Date Night Chap.26

Start from the beginning

you nodded, "a little bit,"

"Okay me too, I'll get us some popcorn, and do you want anything to drink"

you looked at the options, "just a water's alright"

Simeon gave a nod, he then went to get a bucket of popcorn for you both to share, and he got waters for you as well, now with your snack you headed to go find theatre # 3, walking down the hallway as you looked at the numbers, and you found number three as you headed inside, the lights were still up so that meant the previews wouldn't start for a bit, and a few people were already there too, you went to go sit In the third row, you put the waters In the cup holders before you sat down, and Simeon followed suit as he held the popcorn on his lap 

you let out a sigh, "I wonder what Luke and Solomon are doing"

Simeon smiled, "well, have a look"

he showed his D.D.D and there you saw Luke had sent a picture, Solomon was trying his hand at making cupcakes and Luke was In a frenzy, you started to laugh a little "oh goodness"

"It's great that he's trying something new, but I don't think they're safe to eat" said Simeon

just then the screen changed, It displayed a reminder to turn off all phones and devices, so you and Simeon powered off your D.D.D phones, and a few more seats were filled In the theatre before the lights went off, and the front screen started to show the previews, you watched as It showed trailers for upcoming movies, and soon the movie Itself started 

Simeon reached into the bucket, getting some popcorn before he placed It in between you both, the opening for the movie started with Lex In her castle bedroom, you thought the sets and costumes were amazing, as did your husband who had sparkling eyes at the moment 

you smiled, whispering "Feeling inspired darling"

Simeon chuckled a little, "yep, I think this may help me with my writers block at the moment"

you ate a few pieces of the popcorn, watching Intently as the scene then changed, you were surprised to see that Lex was In fact the dark king's daughter, you never expected that, and twenty minutes In you were Introduced to Malazan who was capture by knights, brought Into the castle throne room as he was to be tried by the Dark King, for supposedly knowing sorcery which was outlawed in the kingdom, watching this you were worried for the Elf 

Simeon leaned over, "he's clearly not a sorcerer, after all It said he's an alchemist"

you watched as Malazan pleaded that he didn't know magic, and the Dark king wasn't having It, so Lex came to try and persuade her father only to be shut down for it, you let out a gasp when the dark king sentenced him to be executed the next day, half an hour Into the movie things started to get more Interesting, you rested your head on Simeon's shoulder and he put his arm around you, the chase scene through the forest was very thrilling and the music was great 

when Philip made his first appearance, It was funny and sent the entire theatre Into laughter

Simeon chuckled, "I feel bad for him, though I don't think the horse liked him"

you giggled, "yeah"

the place soon quieted again as the next scene cut to him and Lex meeting at a river, you could see the great chemistry between the two of them, but you had a feeling she may choose Malazan, the scene had no words but the look In their eyes and music told everything 

Simeon gave your hand a squeeze, you smiled as you returned It holding his hand back, you rested your head on his shoulder once more as you continued watching, by the next hour you'd both finished the popcorn, the next few scenes showed their adventures and battles, Philip was stern and seemed cold but you could tell he really cared about Lex, while Malazan was a little shy and kept to himself but he protected Lex no matter what, 

it was In the middle of the movie, when there came a scene between Lex and Philip, he was teaching her how to wield a sword and In return she taught him to dance, it was fun and romantic, the music score was Incredible and the scene was beautiful

as the rest of the movie went on you were almost on the edge of your seats, In the last scene they faced off against the Dark king, and to your shock Lex was the one who finished him off, yes he was her father but he'd committed atrocities and was an evil tyrant 

you looked away as she struck him, and Simeon held you as to comfort you from your fright, when It was over you then looked back to the screen, the darkness that clouded the kingdom went away and the people were now free, all the Knights dropped their weapons 

Philip confessed his love to Lex, and she was happy but told the one she loved was actually Malazan, and the Elf reciprocated that love, before they came together sharing a kiss 

you and Simeon exchanged a smile, he pressed a kiss to your forehead as the scene cut to the ending with their wedding, everyone started clapping and you followed suit as the credits soon started to roll with the lights coming up, Simeon stood up as he stretched 

"that was great, I really enjoyed It how about you my lamb"

you smiled, "It was amazing, I'm surprised Lex fought him herself but I'm glad It's a happy ending"

Simeon smiled with a nod, "me too,"

you stood up as yo did a little stretch, you and Simeon then picked up your things as you started leaving theatre three, throwing away the empty bucket and cups, upon going outside you found that the sun was starting to set where you were, the sky was pink with some orange shades 

you and Simeon walked hand In hand as you talked about the movie once again, ending up In the nearby park as you watched the sunset together, the quiet and the sky was perfect 

you smiled, turning to Simeon "thank you darling, for the night out"

"It's nothing to thank me for, I wanted us to enjoy sometime out together"

he smiled, kissing your cheek before he touched your stomach "though, we aren't completely alone"

you placed your hand atop his, "I'll be in my fourth month soon"

"my love, there's something I have to tell you"

you gave him your full attention, "hm?"

Simeon took your hands, "My love, when you told me you were pregnant, I was and still am very happy but...I'm afraid, afraid that I won't be around when you need me the most"

you shook your head, "darling, it's alright I understand, I know you won't always be around with us and we'll miss you, but just as I have, I'll always keep in my heart that you'll come home"

"But It's not fair to you or our baby"

you cupped his cheeks, "it's not, but we won't be separated like before, unable to see each other and separated by a door, Simeon I understand the obligations you have In Celestial realm, I do miss you very much at times, but please don't worry everything will work out and be okay"

Simeon put his hands over yours, he then closed his eyes "you're right"

he then touched his forehead to yours, "I'm worrying too much, I'm sorry my lamb"

"Please don't apologize for that, it's normal darling"

Simeon sat up as he caressed your cheek, he then smiled warmly "you always know just what to say my love,"

you leaned into his touch, returning the smile before you shared a loving kiss, the sun had set and the sky was now dark with the stars shining In the sky, Simeon stood up 

"Seems it's night now, shall we go home"

you nodded, standing up as you locked hands before Simeon channeled his powers, transporting you both back to Purgatory Hall.

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