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Shigaraki Pov-

When I see Dabis's blood-stained shirt I get extremely concerned and dark thoughts gather in my tired brain. 

"What if Dabi is hurting himself?" 

"What if he got attacked?"

"What If whatever happened was my fucking fault?" 

I pull myself out of the thoughts that were clouding my mind.  

"Dabi what the fuck happened to your arms!?" I slightly yell at him, full of concern and worry. 

Dabi just looks directly at me without saying a single word so I grab his arm and pull him over to the couch.

I assume caused him pain dragging him over to the couch the way I did but I am really pissed off and angry right now.

I turn the bloody man towards me and pull up his sleeves that are covered in deep red blood. 

when I see dabis arms are engulfed in vastly deep cuts my face turns to pure worry and sadness.

"I can't believe he is cutting himself, and this deep." I think to myself why I am looking at Dabis arm silently. 

I get the courage to look up and see Dabi looking at me, his face full of sadness and slight anger. 

"Does your other arm look like this one?" I quietly ask the scared man beside me. 

He just nods his head yes before standing up while taking four ibuprofen out of the bottle about ready to take them to help his pain. 

I slightly hit his hand away from the pills and take the bottle of ibuprofen with a serious look on my face. 

"What the fuck crusty!" "I need those bitch." Dabi says while looking at me with an angry exasperation that is laced with pain. 

Hey, patchwork! you just took four a few hours ago. Be a good boy and wait a few more hours. Okay? I say with a half-serious half jokingly tone in my voice. 

I put the pills in my hoodie pocket so Dabi can't take them without me knowing. 

Dabi just looks at me with anger, "fuck you crusty, I can do whatever I fucking wish." 

'Patchwork I know you are in pain, change your bloody ass shirt and take a nap for a few hours or something." I suggest to the man in front of me with sympathy in my voice. 

Dabi just mumbles fuck you why walking out of the bar holding up his middle finger so that I can see it clearly. 

That fucking patchwork is going to drive me crazy. I think to myself before heading over to the bar and grabbing some wisky. 

Depressed Dabi x ShigarakiWhere stories live. Discover now