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Dabi Pov-

I woke up in immense pain, looking up at a  sleeping blue-haired boy I was lying upon.  

Pain from my arms shoots through my body as I reposition myself to look at the clock on the bar. 

The clock reads 8:24, "Why was I sleeping on Shigaraki? And why would that crust bastard allow me to sleep on him? " I softly whisper to myself getting off of the strangely beautiful crusty mani was previously sleeping on. 

Trying not to wake the man in front of me I grab the ibuprofen on the side table and quietly walk myself out of the room and back to my bedroom. 

Before I can fully make it back to my bedroom I hear a gruff and tired voice coming from the couch I got previously got up from. 

I turn my head to look over and see shigaraki with his mouth open and gasping at me with a sad and deeply concerned excretion on his face. 

Looking down in the direction Tomara was looking I see my long sleeves that were supposed to be concealing my cut-up arms are now covered In blood. 

"fuck! welp that exspalins the pain." I say the last part with a slight smirk on my face to try and lighten the mood I instantly darkened. 

shigaraki looks up and stares me in the face with a serious and worried expression on his face. 

"What the fuck happened to your roasted ass self?" I look up to see shigarakis angry and concerned expression and I don't know what to say to the man In front of me so I just stare him straight in the eyes without a word. 

shigaraki seems to pick up on my speechlessness because he pulls me over to the couch by my arms making intense pain shoot through my body. 

shigaraki sits me on the couch facing him while pulling up my long black sleeves that are soaking in deep red blood. 

When he sees that my arms are covered in extremely deep self-inflicted cuts shigarakis face turns extremely sad and he almost seems broken. 

Depressed Dabi x ShigarakiWhere stories live. Discover now