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Shigaraki Pov- 

I was laying in my messy bed with half of the bed sheet pulled off so you could see the discolored mattress underneath. 

I was woken up by loud noises coming from the bar, I look over to my alarm clock and see that it is not even five in the morning. 

"Who the fuck would be up at four in the fucking morning, and why can't they be quiet?" I silently ask myself while tiredly standing out of bed and heading to my bedroom door while opening it with four fingers. 

I stand in the short hallway and look ahead seeing Dabi struggling to grab ibuprofen from the bar's cabinet. 

"Why the fuck does he need ibuprofen this early in the morning?'' "and why is he wobbling and struggling to stand?" I silently ask myself. 

I hide my concern with anger while asking him why he is up this early, making so much noise. 

It looks like he is grabbing the bar tighter trying not to fall but that doesn't seem to help because he starts to fall back. 

He nearly hits the ground before I make it over to him and catch him from falling just in time. 

I carry him over to the couch that is close to the bar and sits down while I am still holding him in my arms. 

Honestly, I am concerned about him he looks like he is going to lose consciousness at any moment. 

"What the fuck did this beautiful dumbass do to get so goddam hurt?" I think to myself while looking down at the burnet boy in front of me. 

"So can you tell me why the fuck you are hur-" I start to ask but before I can finish my sentence Dabi falls completely asleep in my arms. 

He's kinda cute and less annoying when he is sleeping. 

Depressed Dabi x ShigarakiKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat