"Thank you.", after a beat he added, "For this chance."

I smiled. "Thank you for asking for one." Our food arrived and as we dug in we spoke about random things. Music, food, movies. I couldn't believe I was enjoying my time with Enzo. Guess the apocalypse is near. Don't be so stuck up. Maybe the voices in my head were a bunch of old ladies. Skye's plan so blew up in his face.

"Skye so didn't win this round.", I said smugly.

Enzo looked shocked. Like as if I found out some big secret. "Skye?" His expression ruined my whole theory of this dinner.

"Didn't he make you meet me? Wasn't he responsible for all this?", I asked as the waiter placed the desserts in front of us.

"No. I arranged this. Is it not good?", Enzo looked hurt and slightly angry.

"No it's amazing.", I had to correct this misunderstanding. I saw first-hand how he gets when things mess up for him. Maybe he was a control-freak to some extent. But who knows? I hadn't the first clue as to who Lorenzo Carter was.

"Then why would you think Skye did this?", he asked, a little annoyance coming through at the end.

"I kinda tricked him into a blind date with my friend. So I thought..." I said. I dragged the end out softly. I hadn't meant to imply that being next to him was payback and payback was supposed to be discomforting.

"That is despicable.", he smiled at me. I thanked the heavens he didn't get the hidden implication.

"Yeah.", I said with a smile.

"I thought you liked him.", He said. His face impassive. Did I make it so known to the world? I guess you kissing Skye and not Enzo made it abundantly clear to him.

"Too much drama.", I said. That was enough of an explanation for anyone.

"Oh." Was all he said, though his mouth opened and closed a couple of times as if he wanted to ask something but thought against it.

"If Skye didn't set this up why were you late?", I asked. It had been bugging me since he sat down.

"I was at the bar. Trying to build up some courage. I really thought you wouldn't be here.", he said sheepishly.

I smiled. "I had to see the mystery poet who put his feelings into words and practically begged me to not stand him up."

He laughed and it was like that laugh unlocked the night for us. It turned around and we started bantering playfully back and forth. Even as he walked me home, the conversation hadn't died down or turned boring.

As I reached my building, Enzo took my hand. It didn't feel weird anymore. "Can we hang out again?"

I smiled. For the first time I actually wanted to see him again. "Definitely." I said ass I kissed his cheek and walked to the elevator.

My night ended so well, I almost forgot I had the world's worst luck. As I pushed open the door, I saw Hannah's note saying she'd be back by 2. I walked to the kitchen to make some coffee for myself. My head was still light from all the wine I guzzled down. I didn't stop drinking till it was time to go, that it even got a laugh from Enzo. I had never got so hung up on red before but it was absolutely amazing. Enzo even promised to get me a bottle for my birthday but never told me what it was called even after I pestered him.

I was about to put some water on when I heard something fall in my bedroom. Without thinking too much of it, I walked into my bedroom and almost screamed when I saw a half-naked guy on the bed. "What the hell Skye?"

Why hadn't Hannah mentioned she let him in? My light headedness wasn't helping. Instead of pushing him out, I stood rooted to my place. Skye smirked and pushed himself of the bed. He had been sitting with a book on his lap as he laid up against the pillows.

"What's wrong Sia?", he said as he walked to me, arms held out innocently.

"Skye?", I said. I wanted to ask him what he was doing here but his advancement made me take a few steps back.

"Why I'm just returning the favour babe. I found out you like surprises." He said huskily as he continued to walk forward.

"Skye.", I all but breathed his name when pushed himself up against me as I backed into a wall. His musky cologne wasn't making things better as it all but dragged me further down into what was unfolding.

"Sia why do you run away?", he whispered as he nuzzled into my neck. I groaned and he snapped his attention to my face.

I couldn't help it. I couldn't run away from my attraction to him and him being so close, so exposed was making it impossible. He held my face in both his hands, as he waited for me to answer him.

"What is this Skye?", he smiled. It wasn't an innocent smile. It was something primal, evil maybe. "Payback baby.", was all he said as he smashed his lips into mine.

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