Chapter 48

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Bennet's POV:

Knock Knock

"Who is it?"

I asked in a hoarse voice. Feeling my body burn from anger at what my father had previously done.

"Mind if I come in?"

Said the figure behind the door. I looked at my father then stared back at the floor.

"I'll take your silence as a yes ."

He announced, hesitantly taking a few steps inside and admiring the unfamiliar room.

"It looks so different from how I remember it. I guess it's from all the years I haven't entered."

"Or maybe it's because of how you're never around."

I bitterly spat out then  feeling guilt wash over me.

"That was a bit harsh but I admit, I deserve it."

He walked towards me with his hands in his pockets.

"Mind if I sit ?"

"No problem."

I shook my head patting the bed.

There was a deafening silence as the meter gap between us acted as a barrier.

"Growing up I was always the jock at school who got all the ladies." My father spoke unexpectedly, "I was voted most likely to succeed, the captain of the baseball team and class captain throughout my high school years. I had everything going for me but somehow I was never satisfied."

He started rubbing his thighs and avoiding eye contact as a way of not showing his emotional side.

"I always felt like I was never good enough for my parents and, although no one knew about it, I dealt with a lot of anxiety and panic attacks. At some point in life, I wanted to just disappear from the face of the planet and be forgotten of."

I turned my body towards him, listening attentively to what he was saying.

"But that all changed when I met Elizabeth," he continued, "the most beautiful girl on the planet. She was my rock in this very crazy world. We shared a connection that seemed out of this world. We were highschool and college sweethearts. She was probably the only person who fully understood me and accepted me for who I am."

His voice become soft and vulnerable as he spoke about her.

"But that all changed when one day my parents announced that I was going to marry your mother forcefully and if I disagreed they would cut me out of their life."

"So did you pick her," I asked, " did you pick Elizabeth?"

"Yes, she was everything to me. It was a difficult decision but I knew that even if I picked my family, they would still treat me the same. Like a worthless pieces of trash that they never created."

I could feel the anger flowing throughout his body as he recalled all the past memories.

"But as they say all good things come to an end and that's what happened. After Elizabeth and I settled in a small apartment, receiving no money, she started to change. She would be always angry, frustrated with me and constantly come home after weeks or sometimes months. But one day she never came back at all."

"Did she pass away or something."

The question slipped out my tongue.

"No." He shook his head. "She cheated on me with a politician twice her age and left the country.From that day onwards I never believed in love. I viewed it as something that is evil and manipulative. Something that can break the most powerful man down."

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