Chapter 37

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Elisha's POV

"Home sweet home."

Whispered Ben, playing with my hair which was in a messy bun.

"We've already arrived?"

I yawned, rubbing my eyes to clear my vision.

"Actually we arrived 5 minutes ago but I took some time to watch you sleep."


I joked, even though I secretly knew he was staring at me the whole time but didn't want to ruin the moment.

"I had a really great time today."

He spoke, switching off the engine of the car.

"Me too."

I responded, curving my lips into a smile.

"Please remind me to return your sweatpants and hoodie on Monday."

"Love, you can keep them. They look better on you anyways.

"But it's custom made."

I refused.

"And so what. I have so many other custom made clothing, just laying around in my closet,waiting to be worn."

"The rich life."

I exhaled, playing with the string.

"I'm not that rich."

"You have a collection of Porsches, Lamborghinis, Ferraris and Roll Royce just parked in your garage and drive way. You have 15 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms. A backyard as big as my mom's house, an indoor pool and a whole football field. You're basically living in a castle."

"Yeah my house may be massive and luxurious but it lacks warmth, that family feeling, you know. When I was by the countryside I could feel how united your family was. There were smiles and laughs everywhere. During dinner, you all sat together as one and talked about everything. I ,on the other hand, barely talk to my father because he's constantly on business trips, closing deals. When we do eventually have dinner, it's strictly business talk only. He sits on one end of the table and I sit at the other.You can only hear the clicks of the knife and forks and us clearing our throats. So yes, my life may seem put together on the outside but once you start peeling off the layers, you will see complete darkness where God is the only source of light. And you obviously."

I listened to how damaged his relationship was with his father. You could hear how desperate he was for his love and attention. Ben didn't care about money nor clothes. The thing he treasures the most is love and quality time.

"If you need someone to talk to, go to God and then come to me. I'll always be by your side. Even if your problem seems so big and it might look like a burden, I won't be scared and I will never run away."

He rested his head onto the seat and let out a deep sigh. Taking his hand into mine I kissed the back of it and shifted my body towards his direction. We both stayed in this position, hand in hand, not daring to utter a word. Everything seemed so perfect even though we were in a chaotic world.

"Before you go I want to give you something."

He announced, breaking the silence.

"Bear I told you, I'm not a materialistic person. I don't want you to spend so much money on me. You being in my life is already a gift on its own."

"I promise, this is the last suprise for today. Close your eyes and lend me your right hand."

"If you dare put a bug or any creepy creature on me, you will drive this car with only one functioning leg."

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