Chapter 16

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Elisha's POV:

The smell of ground beef filled the whole kitchen as I added all sorts of spices I could gather into the pot.

Currently, I was at Zach's aunt's humongous house near the mountains, helping him babysit his adorable niece, Adira.

"Can I please have pitabata, please Elisha?" Pouted the innocent 5 year old as her eyes gazed at the kitchen cabinet.

"You want what honey.?"

I questioned, turning around.

"Can I please have pitabata. It's in the wooden fridge. " She pointed at the wooden cabinet.

"Ohh... You want peanut butter?" I corrected, taking her off the chair and carrying her in my arms.

"I love pitabata!" She cheered and clapped her hands in happiness as I grabbed the container off the shelf.

"Peanut butter is best, it's better than the rest." Singing the catchy tune, her ocean blue eyes sparkled with admiration at the jar.

"Do you want something better than peanut butter Adira?" I asked,"Something that only princesses from the movies eat."


Her body jumped up as her smile extended more, showing off her crooked front teeth. My heart slowly melted at the sight.

"Let me go get it quickly. " I said and placed her on the chair to go fish in my bag for the treasure.

"Taaddaa!!" Holding out the gift, I watched her tiny hands drum on the countertop out of excitement.

"Bubbly Chocolate!" She screamed. "Its so beautiful. Thank you Elisha."

Her eyes widened as she leaped to hug me. Mesmerized by the chocolate, she looked at it like it was one huge golden egg with diamonds and gold hidden inside.

"Anytime love."

I placed her on the counter and went back to my cooking.

"The king has arrived." An energetic Zach flung the door open, carrying potatoes and herbs which he had picked straight out of the garden.

Adira, on the other hand, was so hypnotized by the chocolate in her hands that she didn't bother to even glance at the loud man that had barged in.

"How is the food going?" He questioned, plucking the vegetables down and peeping over my shoulder at the pot.

"So far so good." I cheered, scooping a little of the ground beef and letting him have a taste.

His face went crimson at the act but quickly went back to its normal colour.  Swiftly, I took a step back to create some distance as I realised the impression he could have had.

His eyes closed as he savored the flavours, his sharp jaw moving up and down as he continuously nodded in approval.

"This is really good." He pointed to the pot, " I honestly wouldn't mind eating it for the rest of my life."

"Then you would probably regret your life choices by the end of two weeks." I joked and turned my focus to the pot.

"How was it being with the little one?"
Zach asked, referring to Adira sitting next to him.

"She is such a darling, oh my word, I can't handle how cute she is."

We both laughed at how adorable she looked trying to open the chocolate wrap. Her eyes squinted as she stuck her tongue out in concentration.

After several attempts, she finally decided to give up and ask Zach to open it for her.

"Can I have a bite?" Zach asked, already leaning in.

Before he got the chance, Adira waved her short index finger in front of his face, "No sir. Chocolate is unhealthy." Her lips pouted.

"But princesses always share their chocolate."

"Thats because I'm not a princess, I'm Adira."

Zach dramatically folded his arms, making a fake angry expression. As he turned his backed to her, he accidentally knocked over a glass of water.Glass littered all over the floor and water spilt everywhere.

"Oh no! "Exclaimed Adira. "Zach made a mess. Naughty Zachie."

"I'm so sorry." He apologized whilst getting up to get a mop.

"If you do that again, naughty corner for you. Understood?" She spoke in a stern voice.

"Yes ma'am."

After giving him a deadly death stare, she took a bite of chocolate then focused her attention on me.

"Elisha... can you be my uncle." She requested.

"But you already have an uncle, Zach." I pointed to the man picking up glass pieces.

"Yeah but I want you. Zach doesn't give me chocolate nor does he cook. He never plays teacup party and he can't dance like you.

"What! I can dance. Look at these move."

He was doing this weird body roll mixed with the shuffle. I placed the cutting board in the sink and watched this handsome man break every bone in his body.

"You're hurting my eyes."  I commented,placing my hands over my eyes. "Please save the last shred of
dignity you have! What you are doing is visual pollution!"

Adira jumped off the counter and ran to her toy room. "Call the police" She yelled, running back with a toy cellphone in her hand.

Erupting into laughter, I watched the traumatized little girl scowl her uncle in disgust as he continued dancing without a care in the world. As my laughter started to die down, I caught a glimpse of the wall clock which pointed at 1:45.

"Shoot! I need to go to the cafe. " I announced. "My shift starts at 2pm."

I switched off the stove and untied the apron. Luckily, I had finished cooking. The only thing needed was for hot sauce to be thrown in.

"Do you want me to take you there." Zach offered, grabbing his car keys off the hook.

"Yes please." I answered and grabbed my handbag off the table.

"Wait!" Adira screamed, running to her bedroom, "I can't leave Mr Huggles alone in this empty house."

Zach stood by the door and rolled his eyes at her statement.

"Got him." The little girl bolted back with a human-size stuff doll in her hands.

Hello beautiful people ❤️💜

I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER. Adira is such a sweetheart, I just can't handle the cuteness.



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