Chapter 11

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Elisha's POV:

I arrived at the coffee shop and signed myself in on duty. My head was not at the right head space and Brielle could sense it. I tossed my bag to the side and wore my work apron and cap.

"Wanna talk about it."

Brielle asked, noticing me being awfully quiet.


I simply rejected.

"Do you maybe want to later."

She offered, rubbing my back.

"Nope, I just want to pretend like nothing happened."

"Okie dokie."

She gave up, walking to the counter and taking a customer's order. I, on the other hand, kept counting the hours left till I could go home. When the clock hit 3 pm, I swung the apron off, grabbed my bag and left. I left Brielle to lock up the cafe because I wanted some alone time to with my thoughts. Just a few moments of peace and quietness.

As I was walking down the road, I bumped into a brick wall or let me say someone built like a brick wall. The smoothie I was drinking spilt all over their white T-shirt, creating an abstract artwork on their clothing. My bag ripped open and all my books and files fell out and littered on the ground. Don't know how it happened but it did.

"Ohh I'm so sorry."

I apologised, lifting my books from the ground and trying to put them back in my torn up bag.

"Its my fault as well, I wasn't looking where I was going."

Admitted the brick wall stranger, kneeling down and helping me.

Once we had finally gathered all the books, files and stationery from the ground, we stood up in unison and shyly grinned at each other.

"I'm Zachariah by the way."

Towering over me with his stockily built body, he extended his hand for me to shake, which I gladly did.

"Ohh... you Brielle's partner for the presentation thingy."

My voice trailed off.

"And you must be her best friend Elisha."

He clicked his fingers when he came to the realisation of who I am.

"Yeah."I simply nodded.

There was this awkward silence as we just smiled and looked at each other in the eyes, nodding our heads in a rhythmic way. A person passing by must have thought we were psychologically damaged and needing to go to a mental institute.

"I think we can let go now."

I said between my giggle, noticing that we were still shaking hands.

"I'm sorry."

He spoke in an unfamiliar accent as his face turned crimson from embarrassment.

"I can be very awkward at times."He confessed, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"You have a really nice accent too."I complimented, trying to guess where he could possibly be from internally.

"I'm British." He inserted his hands in his pocket, "proudly born and raised there."

"That's so cool." I gasped, "I've always wanted to go there."

"Well most Americans mock me about it, you know? This one kid came up to me once and said I look like Harry Potter. Like how dare he."

I burst out into laughter from his passive-aggressive expression.

"I can tell the resemblance thought."

I teased, earning an unimpressed frown from him.

"Please don't say that. Bullying is a serious crime."

I erupted even more as his accent got stronger and more audible. Slowly, I tried to steady my breath as I wipe away the tears of laughter.

"I really needed that. You don't know how rough my day has been today."

I wiped away the last tear stain.

"I'm glad I could help...Elisha"

He emphasized my name at the end. I loved the way it rolled out his tongue and filled my eardrums. Wait what. Focus Elisha. Control your eyes.

"See you around campus."

I bid goodbye, taking my books from him and holding them to my chest so that they wouldn't fall again.

"Bet you will..ohh and before I forget." He stroked his chin as if he was in deep thought, "You have a really beautiful smile."

"Thank you very much sir. "

I responded in a posh accent and did a courtesy at the end.

"See you around."

He yelled as I started covering some distance and drifting away from him.

"Good bye."

I waved back.


Hello beautiful people ✝️

I already love Zachariah even though he is a new character. What do you guys think if him. Either way I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.



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