Chapter 21

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Elisha's POV

"It's such a beautiful night today."My mom spoke as everyone layed on the green grass, looking up at the stars.

"It sure is, isn't it." I agreed in awe, mesmerized by the beauty above me.

The sky displayed a full moon with stars that were sprinkled onto the night sky with patches of the colour petunia. You could hear the birds chirping from their nests and wolves howling from a distance. The sound of nature seized us and created a sense of peace that was difficult to find in the busy city.

"Do you know, it kind of reminds me of the day Elisha was born." My mother chuckled to herself. "I was in the car experiencing labour pains whilst Cameron was driving."

My heart tugged at the mention of my father's name. How I wished he was still here with us to experience such a moment with everyone and get to meet Bennet. Yes I had many pictures of him but it pained me that I couldn't recollect any memories we shared together. Everyone tells me how great of a man he was, so I'm sure I'll meet him again in heaven.

"I remember sitting in his old, crusty  pickup truck and staring out of the window at the sky sprinkled with stars." The woman continued, "Their breathtaking beauty gave me a sense of peace and removed all the pain and worry I was feeling. It took me back to the moment God was talking to Abraham and promised him many children and a new life."

"I bet it was God reminding you that he'll never leave your side. " Stated Gran Gran in her soothing, honey voice.

"I think so too. " Grandpa agreed, not taking his eyes off the scenery above."What a beautiful name he is." He praised.

It was moments like this that I experienced true joy. Me, my family and friends in one place, enjoying each others company and laughter. You could put a 24 carat ring in front of me and offer a lifetime trip to Dubai but I would still choose to be in this moment and no where else in the world. It was the little moments I found true happiness in.

"I'm so grateful that God surrounded me with wonderful people when Cameron passed away." My mother said low, swallowing hard. " I honestly wouldn't have been able to raise such a troublesome Elisha if I didn't have the support you all gave me."

Everyone giggled as they went down memory lane, remembering all the mischievous things I got up to growing up. All the calls from kindergarten my mom got, how I accidentally stole a teddy bear in the Toy Factory store and how my big mouth got me in hot water sometimes. Although everything they said was true, I tried to give a valid excuse for every accident as I got bombarded with a question after a question.

Ben sitting besides me kept letting out fits of chuckles the crazier the stories got. It warmed my heart to see how comfortable he'd gotten with my family in such a short amount of time but I also couldn't deny that there was some tension between us after the moment in the kitchen.

"The past is in the past mom. Elsa couldn't have said it better." I finally surrendered, knowing that my excuses were taking me no where.

"Whatever." The woman rolled her eyes then took a sip of her lichi juice.

Grinning, I shook my head in disbelief at how my fiesty attitude had started to rub on her.

"Pops, what's one thing that you are truly grateful for this year so far?"

I shifted my sight to my Grandpa who pulled grandma closer so that they could share the turquoise blanket.

"I have a long list written in thick paragraphs about what I'm grateful for, but the main thing I'll always remember is how God has kept me on Earth for many years and never forsaken me. How he's blessed my marriage of 49 years and kept it strong and running. It's crazy how many people can't last 7 years together but we've survived a whole 49 years."

The two elderly love birds lovingly glanced at each other then shyly looked down to hide their reddening cheeks.

"I'm grateful that I got to see my granddaughter mature into the beautiful women she is today." He proceeded, turning to me. "The only thing that I wish for now is to see her walk down the aisle in a white dress and spend the rest of her life with the man of her dreams."

A smile crept on my face as he emphasized the last words while pointing to Ben with his downturned eyes that were filled with pure love. It hadn't been 24 hours yet everyone was so fond of the young man.

"I love you such Pops." Leaping into the old mans arms, I planted a kiss on the top of his head that had grey hair littered all over.

"Gran Gran what do you treasure so much that God has blessed you with?" Bennet asked.

"I'm grateful for being blessed with a wonderful marriage to the man of my dreams. I still wake up sometimes and ask myself if I'm dreaming honestly." Her eyes twinkled as she stared at her husband in admiration.

"It wasn't an easy journey to finding love but once it was centred around God it blossomed into something wonderful. He sanctified and blessed our relationship. For that I will forever be thankful."

She looked at me then at Bennet. I know what she was thinking but I didn't want to her to bring it up.

There was a peaceful silence that filled the atmosphere. The kind that reassured you that everything is perfect the way it is. A type that would want you to live in the moment forever. It was comforting and gave a vulnerable feeling.

"I just want to thank God for everything that he's done for me."

I confessed.

"Growing up, I used to see my friends post pictures of them and their fathers on social media. It was very hard to accept that I didn't have a father like most kids but I'm grateful that God has kept my mother with me because so many people have lost both parents."

I turned to my mom and reached for her hand.

"Thank you Ma for everything that you've done for me. Thank you for all the sacrifices that you've made to ensure that I have a good upbringing and know the true feeling of love."

"Thank you my baby. It wasn't easy I have to tell you but I wouldn't have changed a thing."

I clasped her hand tighter and kissed her knuckles.

"Benny, what's one moment that really made you believe that God is real."

Questioned Grandpa.

"The moment I realised that God was real was when he let me do things my way. "

He paused for a bit to gather his thoughts.

"God let me date many girls, drink, party and gain popularity then flipped my life upside down in a blink of an eye. In better words, he stripped everything I had worked on and left me with nothing."

He let out a small chuckle as he sunk his chin into his chest.

"He laughed at me..
then comforted me. The reason he did this is because I was so focused my goals, my purpose and my plan...not God's goal, God's purpose and God's plan. But now I feel better than ever because although he broke me, he made me bigger and stronger than ever."

"There are people who know about God. Those are the people who read scripture, know every verse and character in the Bible. Then there are people who know God personally because of the relationship that they have with him. You son are one of the people who know God on a personal level."

Admitted Grandpa.

"That really feels good to hear sir."

"Call me Grandpa."

"Thank you Grandpa."

Hello beautiful people ❤️💜




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