Chapter Twenty-Two

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This chapter is...interesting. I'm not quite sure what to think about it. I like it, but it doesn't matter what I think. Tell me your opinions.

Vomment, fan, and spread the word. When I say spread the word, I mean it! Random person on the street? You go up to them and say 'Read doctorlocked10's johnlock fic on!' (I will not be held liable for anything that happens or is said from this point on).

Love you!



Chapter 22

My head ached and my throat was sore.

Had I been sleeping? No. I didn't remember going to bed. I didn't remember being home at all.

I opened my eyes. I was in a dark room, or what I thought was a room. I wouldn't know, as I couldn't see a thing. There was a single hanging lamp somewhere in the space. The center? Maybe. Who was to say that this place had a center?

"Sherlock?" I croaked out. It hurt a bit to talk.

A smooth voice laughed. "No, John, Sherlock's not here, but he will be soon. Very soon. Shouldn't you be thanking me, Dr. Watson? I didn't even tie you up!"

I remembered what had happened in the graveyard. I had no idea how long ago it had been, and i didn't know what time it was now. But I could see the man stepping into the light and I knew that it was Sebastian Moran.

The man was now dressed in a suit and had his hair slicked back, reminding me of Moriarty. He was thin, like a snake. That's what he was too. He was sleazy and horrible, just like a snake.

"Why is he coming? What did you say to him?" I asked feverishly.

"John, you poor ignorant man," Sebastian coaxed in his sleek voice. "I simply texted Mr. Holmes, telling him that I had you, and for him to come and retrieve his pet. Thank you for leaving your mobile in your front pocket, by the way. It was very helpful."

I laughed, making Sebastian scowl. "Why laugh? I'm going to kill your lover!" he yelled.

"I just expected more from Moriarty's right hand man," I said. "Some master plan. But you. You're just a big disappointment, Sebastian. You're doing all the work. Sherlock doesn't have to think at all. Moriarty would disapprove."

Sebastian sneered, obviously upset by what I had said. "I don't care whether or not I've made Sherlock think. I'm only here to make sure he never thinks again."

"He won't die tonight," I said, trying to convince myself of the fact more than anything. "You're just wasting your time."

"Am I? Because my minion has just informed me that Sherlock has arrived!" Moran laughed.

I felt my face fell. The one time I want Sherlock to forget about me and he still doesn't listen.

"You know I won't let you hurt him," I argued.

"Is that so?" He laughed.

"Yes. It is so!"

Sebastian laughed. "John, there is nothing you can do to stop me putting a bullet through Sherlock's heart."

He patted his coat, gesturing to the gun that I could see lining the inside pocket.

"Moran!" I heard Sherlock yell as he strolled into the space. He couldn't see me. I wasn't under the light, off to the side. He didn't know I was here.

"Ah, dearest Sherlock Holmes," the man said with a coy smile.

"What have you done with John?" Sherlock got straight to the point.

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