"Oh, i forgot to tell you my name. By the way, I am Choi Soobin" Soobin said with his little dimple smile. I found his dimple very cute. I took a deep breath before I introduce myself "I-I am Jung Hoseok" my stuttering died down a bit.

"Jung Hoseok, such a cute name for a cutie like you" Soobin said making me blushed. Hearing compliments is very strange for me. "T-Thank you" I Thanked him.

From that moment, our nonstop talking started. Not our actually, he was the one who was mostly talking and i was just nodding my head and sometime saying something. I didn't even notice when 1 hour past by. In only 1 hour we get to know so much about each other. I got to learn that he is 'kim Soobin' an Acting major student and is in his final year. He is 25 Year old and he belongs from a rich family. Well He never directly said he is rich but he told me his father is a businessmen. So probably he is rich. And many more stuffs about him i got to learn.

I was kind of feeling at ease but there still was awkward feeling that i just can't let go. Probably cause It's my first time that someone is talking to me so freely.

At one point of our conversation soobin was looking at someone behind me with a smirk. I found it quite weird and was about to turn my head in his eyes direction but his voice stop me. "I think it is time for me to go now. I have some important work to do" he said while gathering his stuffs.

"It was nice to meet you hoseok. Hope to meet you soon. Bye" he bids his goodbye with a bow which i return. I watch is figure walking out of the store.

After Soobin left i start thinking about my meeting with him. He is really a talkative person. I kind of feel at ease with him. He looks like a great guy. But one question was haunting me was that why he was behaving so nice with me. No person ever try to actually talk to me expect some creeps sometimes. It feels great to talk to someone so freely even tho i didn't talk much still it feels great. He said we will meet soon and i hope to meet him again. I am just hoping, i don't think i will ever meet him again. Cause why would he want to meet weirdo again, right?

I get my mind out of Soobin and continue to read the book i was reading. In all those things i completely forget that i have a job here. I can't just sit around and chat with some guy. For another hour i didn't remember anything about my job and just focused on the book. After i got tired, i shut the book and was about to walk toward the exit when i remember that i didn't do my shift today at all. I was just sitting around while there was so many people out here. I can imagine the anger of mrs Bae. She will probably burn me alive with her deadly eyes. As much as i want to avoid her scolding, it will backfire at me if i do it. I can now only pray to god to save me from her.

I take little step toward the reception counter, mentally preparing myself for the worst. I looked down at my feet and walk straight toward the exit. But my luck was not good cause a angry voice called me from behind "where the hell do you think you are going, Jung Hoseok?"

I stoped at my track and slowly looked behind me. I don't dare to look up at her face which is now probably red with anger. "I-I-I a-am s-so-sorry m-mrs bae" I apologised while shuttering badly.

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