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I coughed feeling the fresh clear air fill my lungs once more. I looked around frantically, feeling a bit dizzy but finally calmer than I had before. I was alone, laid in a bed which looked a bit familiar but with my pounding headache I wasn't gonna try and recall who's it was.

The once closed door opened, a very familiar shadow stumbled in, rushing towards me. He wrapped his arms around me in a comforting hug. Quasimodo, he was alright after all, he looked happy to see me, or at least I hoped so since the tears that fell down his cheeks weren't too assuring.

-"Y-you hadn't woken up...I-I thought the worst" he cried out, finally releasing me of the hug and holding my hands.

-"I'm alright, just a bit tired..." I backed away as far as I could at the sight of the second person who walked into the room.

-"My dear..." Frollo walked towards us, patting Quasi's back as he did.

-"You could have killed her" Quasi mumbled through him, anger and pain seeping through his words.

-"It was my duty, as horrible as it was..." he told him, giving me a smirk seeing as Quasi was turned and had no way of seeing him.

-"I hope that you'll both forgive me"

-"Quasi!" I yelled in warning after Frollo had taken out a dagger to stab him.

-"Foolish girl" he coughed after being thrown across the room by Quasi who took my warning into immediate action.

-"N-now listen to me Quasimodo" Frollo stuttered out as he backed away from Quasi who was seething in anger, dagger pointed at him.

-"NO! You listen!"

-"All my life you have told me the world is a dark cruel place, but now I see that the only dark and cruel thing in this world is you"

-"And mark my words, I will never let you hurt another person I care about again" Quasimodo pushed him out of the room and I assumed over the balcony as all I could hear was Frollo's cry of fear, that quieted as he went down.

-"Y/n!" Ezra rushed into the room, engulfing me into a hug and planting small kisses on my forehead and cheeks.

-"I missed you too" I giggled, seeing him all happy to have me in his arms.

-"I-I thought you were gone, I-I thought you had di-" I cut him off with a kiss, a kiss full of passion almost like an explanation of what I felt.

-"I love you" he whispered, after letting go of the kiss, leaning his head against mine.

-"Me too" I told him, pulling him in for another kiss.

-The End-


I hope you enjoyed this story, it was very fun to write.

Like I mentioned yesterday it'll be a few days before I post the new story.

So, I'll see you then!


The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Male! Esmeralda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now