The Bonfire Part 2

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At the brisk of dawn, when the sun rays were barely seeping through past the mountains, the bonfire had begun. Ezra, gypsies and I were in wooden cart cages, handcuffed of course. A wooden platform had been set up where I was dragged off too while Ezra tried to break the wooden cart he was in, with no success.

I was tied against a wooden post in a white dress, under me were dried up weeds that were to be lit on fire. Frollo read off a script, reading what crimes I had committed and why I was to be burned alive. It was all fake of course, a few murmurs went around, questioning the crimes until Frollo said 'witchcraft'. That, and only then did the murmurs end and chants to have me burned already began.

-"The time has come, my dear" Frollo held a torch as he walked towards me.

-"You stand upon the brink of abyss"

-"Yet, even now it's not too late..."

-"I can still save you from the flames of right now, and the next"

-"Choose me...or the fire"

-"I'd rather burn in hell than have you save me" I scoffed out, turning away from him.

-"So be it" he turned to the crowd, giving another 'heartwarming' speech.

I turned to where Ezra was kept, he stared at me with saddened eyes as he couldn't escape from the cage he was in. I gave him a sad smile, wishing I could give him one last hug. Frollo turned to me, with a sly smile on his face as he dropped the torch he held on the weeds beneath me that began to burn.

They burned slowly, smoke grew as they did. The smoke stung my eyes, making them feel droopy and tired as they grew. I coughed at the smoke, feeling it fill up my lungs instead of the fresh air. I felt weak, black blobs filled up my vision, but in the very far out corner I could see someone coming towards the platform.

I tried to open my eyes to take a closer look, to assure myself that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. I couldn't see anything, with the black blobs that patched up my vision, the smoke of the burning weeds that had me growing dizzy as they burned. I'd given up looking, assumed it was just my eyes playing tricks on me before passing out. 


Sorry for not updating a lot had happened and I didn't have much time. Sorry!

This is the second to last chapter, one more and we are done!

After this story it'll be a few days before I put in the new story.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Male! Esmeralda x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ