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-"Quasimodo, when your heartless mother abandoned you as a child, anyone else would have drowned you"

-"And this is my thanks for taking you in, and raising you as my son?"

-"And Y/n, your mother left us, she left you here abandoned, and it was up to me to take care of you"

-"Protecting you from every danger in the world, from keeping you safe and sound, this is the thanks I get?"

-"There is only one rule for the two of you, don't leave the bell tower, I'd expect you to take this rule more seriously, especially with all the danger lurking below"

-"Yes, father"

-"You're too good for us master, I'm sorry" Quasi apologized.

-"All is forgiven"

-"Now I must leave, enjoy your lunch"

-"And remember, this is your sanctuary" with that said father left, his footsteps echo's quieting down.

-"Some sanctuary this is" I huffed out, sitting on a stool.

-"So...ready to go?" I turned to Quasi, happy and surprised that he'd still want to go.

-"Really?" he nodded, taking his cloak and handing me mine.

-Over to Frollo-


Captain Phoebus walked into the Palace of Justice, where he was to meet Frollo for his new assignments. A whip cracking sound leaked out of the door, as well as a few groans in pain and yelps for help. He walked forward pushing the door open to find Frollo talking to a guard.

-"Ah, so this is the gallant captain Phoebus, home from the wars"

-"Reporting for duty, as ordered, sir"

-"Your service record proceeds you, Phoebus"

-"I expect nothing but the best from a war hero of your caliber"

-"And you shall have it, sir, I guarantee it"


-"You know, my last captain of guard was a bit of a disappointment to me" a loud cry of pain echoed in the room, alerting Phoebus, but Frollo shrugged it off, as it had become something he was accustomed to.

-"Well, no matter, I'm sure you'll whip my men into shape"

-"Uh, thank you sir, tr-temendous honor" Phoebus followed after Frollo who walked to the outside.

-"You've come to Paris in her darkest hour, captain"

-"It will take a firm hand to save the weak minded from being so easily misled..."

-"Misled, sir?" the captain questioned.

-"Look captain, gypsies, the gypsies live outside the normal order"

-"Their heathen ways inflame the people's lowest instincts..."

-"And they must be stopped"

-"I was summoned from the wars to capture fortune-tellers and palm readers?" the captain asked, a bit annoyed.

-"The real war captain, is what you see before you"

-"For 20 years, I have been taking care of the gypsies"

-"" he squashed a few little ants that ran across a stone brick.

-"And yet, for all of my success, they have thrived" he lifted up the brick to show the captain all of the ants that scattered around under it, all hidden from plain sight.

-"I believe they have a safe, haven within the walls of this very city"

-"A nest, if you will"

-"They call it the 'Court of Miracles'" Frollo rolled his eyes, almost scoffing his words out.

-"What are we going to do about it, sir?" Frollo slammed down the brick, crushing all the ants under it.

-"You make your point quite vividly, sir"

-"You know, I like you captain, shall we?" Frollo pointed the way, glancing down at the festival.

-"Oh, duty calls" he scoffed as he remembered what he had to do.

-"Have you ever attended a festival, captain?"

-"Not recently, sir"

-"Then this should be quite an education for you, come along"


Super sorry guys! I went to see my friends yesterday and ended up sleeping over so no computer. 

I'll post a second chapter for you guys right after this one.



The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Male! Esmeralda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now