Chapter 8

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"All of this is stupid" I muttered to myself. I had a normal life until a bunch of teenagers showed up and flipped my mind upside down.

Not to mention that the boy currently sleeping in my bed is literally the cutest guy alive. And the guy I'd had a crush on since I met him.

I stared up at the stars. I have to go on a quest that will probably end in my death, while an angry goddess is coming after me.

Hera you're so... I dunno but you're more aggravating than words can describe. I didn't even do anything and you're chasing after me! I calmed myself down and began to stare at the ground.

I could feel myself getting more and more tired. I yawned and tried to wrap my head around everything that had happened.

Most demigods take the craziness in pretty easily since it's in their blood. I grabbed my necklace and rubbed it as I had to do something about my boredom. I've never been good with words. I was failing my English class before coming to camp. My brain is wired to read Ancient Greek, not English.

At least, that's what Annabeth told me. I took the gloves off as I knew the white silky material would come back within a matter of time.

Alright, we're leaving later today. The quest is beginning shortly, and I can't wait. I'm probably going to die, but whatever!

At least I'll probably die a cool death.


*Time skip bc I'm lazy 😭)

I had a backpack of stuff I would need. "Ambrosia?" "Check." "Nectar?" "Check." "Your-" "Look, I got everything. I checked twice. If it's good enough for Santa, it should be good enough for you."

Annabeth snorted. "Just trying to make sure we have everything needed to save your life when it comes to it." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah. Got it. I'm going to wake Leo up now." She nodded, clearly distracted with another one of her lists.

I managed to get Jason out of our cabin without him finding Leo, now I have to get him out of the Zeus cabin without anyone seeing. That's going to be a bit more difficult.

But I live for difficulty.

I snuck into the cabin and walked over to Leo. Hephaestus' devices he made for me were on the nightstand. Along with a note.

'You know, my wife is correct. My son, Leo, really adores you. Look in the envelope for a present from him to you. He made it himself, with a bit of help from me. Please, send him my love. -Hephaestus'

I grabbed the envelope and shoved it into my glove. It was a small envelope, alright?

I tried to cook me beet-red face off and gently tapped Leo.

"C'mon wake up, we're leaving soon,"

"Leoo wake up,"

"Leooooo wakey wakey,"

"Dude just get up."

He sat up and stretched. "I was trying to see how long you would use your baby voice." He said, sending me a wink.

I turned around, my cheeks dusted pink, and said "I gotta get you out of here so people don't think the wrong thing, which is what I told you last night! You can't just flirt with me while I'm trying to make sure you're not murdered by my brother!"

"Fine, but your bed is so comfy I think this is unfair."

"Leo, you spend majority of nights awake, working on an invention."

"You caught me." He said, standing up. He walked over to me and I looked slightly up at him. Then I broke our little trance and I pulled him out of my cabin, while checking to see if anyone was around.

Nobody was.

I pulled him over to his cabin and stood outside the door, looking like I had just woken him up with him inside his actual cabin.

Phew. That was actually really easy. A few minutes later, Leo came outside and already had grease smears everywhere. I walked with him back over to Festus and Annabeth.

Yeah, I know, I forgot to mention, Leo built a new Festus after the old one blew up. Leo calls this one Festus 2.0, but I didn't know 1.0 so I just call him Festus.

"Got Leo." They both turned to look at me and Festus blew a happy snort of hot air. Leo walked over to him and made sure everything was in order. (It was.)

And just like that, we were off.

• "Who?" • A Leo Valdez X Reader story (Completed) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα