Chapter 2

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"And who are you?" I yelled down, not wanting to move. "I'm Leo Valdez, Bad Boy Supreme, and the Super McShizzle!"

Leo Valdez.

The name had seemed so familiar yet I couldn't pin a face to it. I sighed, not wanting to cause trouble on my first day. I climbed down the tree and landed right in front of the little blob of a person I had seen before. "Happy, Leo?" Then Mr. Memory pulled me back into my past.


A little h/c haired girl was up in a tree, just above a small boy's reach. She teased him, saying she would climb higher if he didn't admit that she had won their game of tag. "Ok fine. You won. Now get down please Y/N, I don't want you to fall." The girl smiled and hopped down. "Happy, Leo?"

*End of flashback*

"You're Leo Valdez. The Latino elf looking guy." I said, in awe of what I just remembered. He looked at me strangely and said "Well yeah that's my name. I just told you that."

I smiled. "I'm Y/N. You know, your friend from the adoption center?" He furrowed his eyebrows, looking me up and down. "I have no memory of... wait N/N Y/N?" I quickly nodded, excited to remember my best friend growing up.

His jaw dropped as he stared at me. "I haven't seen you in forever! How've you been?" He asked, barely able to hold back his excitement. We walked over to the deck as I explained my life story from when he left until now. "Enough of my rambling, how've you been? I haven't seen you since you left but that was when we were only seven!"

He told me about how he found camp and made new friends, and how he literally saved the world from Gaea. (Fun fact: as I was typing this, it autocorrected Gaea to Garage 🤣) I smiled at his story. He had that twinkle in his eyes. The one he always gets when he talks about something he is excited about.

I knew he was super proud of himself even if he tried to play it off cool. We were talking so long it startled both of us when the dinner horn rang out over the hill. We looked at each other and said at the same time "Race you there!" I won, but not by far. Leo had tripped over a tree branch or I think he would have won. We called it a tie and were both laughing as we walked up to the dining pavilion.

He went to go sit with his siblings and I went to go sit with the Hermes table when suddenly lightning struck in the middle of camp. "I do not think that is supposed to happen." I said aloud, slightly scared.

Leo could tell I was nervous, I was shaking. Sorry, but lightning brought back memories of when Leo left. He had chosen a night with a huge thunderstorm to leave, so he wouldn't be heard. Sucks to be me. I didn't even know he was planning on running away.

Leo came over and held my hand while whispering comforting words in my ear. "Hey, don't worry. It'll be fine." However, when a giant man appeared in one of the flashes of lightning, I jumped. "Ah shi- sorry" I said, as I almost hit Leo.

"Zeus. Welcome to our camp."

Chiron said, bowing. The rest of the campers followed suit, except for me. I didn't feel like I needed to. I didn't know why then but it was weird. I've always been one to follow rules. At least most of the time.

Because I remained standing, Zeus looked over at me. I returned his gaze with an unamused look and he smiled. "Y/N. My daughter." I nearly choked. On nothing.

"Yeah I think you have a different Y/N." I said. In no way, shape, or form am I related to the king of the skies. He just looked amused at my refusing and laughed a bit.

I let go of Leo's hand and stormed towards Zeus. (Get it? Stormed? Ok I'll stop now.)

"I, for one, do not see any similarities between us." He shrunk down to normal-person height and pulled out a necklace from who knows where. Apparently he had pockets or something. But man, it was pretty. A little jar with a cork top, a little cloud with a lightning bolt in it. It was so small, yet it held so much detail.

He summoned a gust of wind that held up my hair while he put the chain around my neck. It tickled. "It'll grant you power over the skies. Not as much power as I have, but a large part of it. Only open it in the most dire situation." He said with a wink.

"Thanks dad." I said while giving him a hug. He smiled with my immediate response calling him my father. I looked at the sky and a little patch of stars appeared with a bit of the moon peeking out with too. "I must be going back to the Olympians or I would stay longer. Treat my little girl with respect, or you'll have me to answer to."

With that closing remark, he disappeared in another flash of lightning. But for some reason it didn't hurt me, even though I was only like two feet away from him. Maybe that's a perk of having Zeus as your father. "Love you" I mouthed to the sky. The clouds immediately cleared as I walked back over to the pavilion.

I walked over to Leo and whispered "I can't believe that just happened! I mean what are the odds?" The big dude, the one and only Zeus came down to give me a present and 'claim me'. Whatever that's supposed to mean.

Either way, after a lot of questions and meeting people who weren't so keen on talking to me before, it was time for bed. I walked over to the Zeus cabin with Leo guiding me because I forgot where the cabin was. I walked in with my only possession, my sweatshirt.

I saw one bed that was out of the giant Zeus statue's sight, but it looked occupied so I took the bed on the other side of the room. It was just barely in the statues line of vision but I thought it was fine.

Leo told me that the other bed was Jason's and that he was just out with his girlfriend, Piper for a week. (SPOILER: I know they break up but they were so cute together) "He could not have chosen a worse time. He'll be back in a few days though. You sure you're alright alone?"

I nodded and he left before the curfew horn blared. I smiled to myself. 'Maybe this new camp life won't be so bad after all.' But that was before the nightmares started.

(A/N - I just stared writing this at like 10:00 pm so I'm tired now and have no idea how messes up this chapter is, but I am also not willing to go back through and check. I'll probably go back and revisit some topics discussed here but with more details. Especially the whole Zeus father thing. But now I'm tired bye 😩)

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