*BONUS Episode cont.* Fanning the Flame (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

Danny continued to walk over to me, "Who's Paulina?"

"That's a pleasant side-effect." I grinned to myself. I gasped in fear when the cut out tilted backwards. Danny smiled goofily and made grabby hands. I couldn't hold on anymore, and started sliding backwards. I screamed, and fell off the board until someone grabbed at my wrist.

I saw it was the S.W.A.T team, coming to my rescue instead of Danny, and I sighed.

"Attention, students!" Mr. Lancer said. "By authority of the emergency mass grounding act, you are all under house arrest. You will now returned to your homes to await parental punishment, and as for your precious Ember...She's going down!"

The board ended up falling over Mr. Lancer, but he made a swift move to run out of the way. Danny climbed over the head and felt dazed.


That night, the guard snatched me, Danny, and Jazz from the vehicle. They threw us on the floor of Danny's home where our parents stood together in the middle of the foyer. 

"Mom, dad?" I asked in surprise, "Why aren't you guys at home?"

"We could ask you the same thing, (Y/n)!" Mom scolded and I winced.

"What is the matter with you kids?" Mr. Fenton asked us.

"You need to prepare for the North Western Nine test tomorrow!" Mrs. Fenton said.

"How can I study?" Danny asked, and I saw he still had the same look on his face. "All I can think about is (Y/n)..."

"MY daughter?!" Dad shouted, and we all panicked.

I watched him grab Danny from the ground and he had a fist in the air at him. "Dad!" I complained.

"Honey, stop, put him down." Mom grumbled.

"Yeah, what's wrong with you?" Jazz asked. "Why aren't you both thinking about Ember?"

"Well, I'm thinking about putting you three in the Fenton Stockades." Mr. Fenton said, and my dad also agreed.

"Jack, we can't lock the kids in some medieval containment device." Mrs. Fenton said, as they took us down below to the basement.

"Why not?" My dad asked, with his arms folded over his shoulders.

He was still glaring at Danny who was staring at me, lovingly. I felt Danny reach for my hand, and I nervously took it back.

Mom slapped Dad in response. "(D/n)!"

"What?" He asked. "They need to be taught a valuable lesson!" The moms stared at their husbands. "Oh, all right."

"Yeah, we'll just ground them like every other parent." Mr. Fenton said in the exact same tone.

"I'm going to Ember McLain's concert tonight, and there's nothing you can do about it!" Jazz said, taking me and Danny away.

Mrs. Fenton scoffed. "You, your brother, and (Y/n) are not leaving this house, young lady!" Mrs. Fenton grabbed us by our shirts and held us up together.

"Fenton Stockades~" My dad and Mr. Fenton sang together.

My mom and Mrs. Fenton exchanged angry looks and stuffed their husbands in the Stockades.

"We meant THEM." 


*(Y/n)'s POV*

I was miserable that night, and while my parents were back at Danny's place working on another invention, I needed to save Danny.

I decided to sneak out.

I climbed up to Danny's window, and saw him in a meditating state. I knocked on the window as he hummed my name.

"(Y/n)!" Danny said. "You snuck out to see me. Oh, this is just like Romeo and Juliet, except I'm the one on the balcony, and I can understand everything we're saying."

"Danny, open up!" I said.

I climbed up the ladder and fell in his room on my face.

"You want me to open up?" He asked happily. "Okay, uhm, one time, when I was five, I really wanted a puppy, but my parents-."

"Will you please knock it off?" I asked, standing upright. "We have to stop Ember's concert before she takes over the world!"

I walked over to his bed and saw scattered photos of me, him, Tucker, and Sam when I first arrived here in Amity Park. There was one me and Danny took last week on my camera together for the school dance. We were both smiling at each other mid-dance.

I assumed Sam had taken this one.

I shook my head at how cheesy this was. "Okay, even the part of me that's liking the attention is really freaked out by this." I said.

Danny walked around me and held my hands. "It doesn't matter, just so long as we have each other!"

"Danny, please!" I said in frustration. "You don't really feel that way about me, and I don't-." I had butterflies in my stomach. I had to hold my feelings in. "And I don't feel that way about you. We talked about this since we came back from visiting your Uncle Vlad."

"So why are you still holding my hands?" Danny smiled at me, teasingly. I blushed, and took my hands back. "And why are you still wearing those Fenton Phones I gave you?"

"Danny, they're not even real earrings." I frowned, "They're just communicators that our parents-." I gasped. "Made to filter out ghost noise!"

"Does this mean that we're breaking up, (Y/n)?" Danny asked.

"Don't you get it, Danny?" I asked with a smile. "That's why I haven't been affected by Ember's music." I held out the earphones in my hands. "I've been wearing the Fenton Phones the whole time!"

"So we're not breaking up?"

"How can we be breaking up?" I asked in annoyance. "We were never together! We're going to have to deprogram you like we did Sam and Tucker-." I took my hand in his and Danny smiled some more. I gasped and stopped dead in my feet. "Oh, my gosh! Sam! Tucker!"

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