Chapter Ten: One of a Kind

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*Danny's POV*~

My ghost hunting adventures with (Y/n), Sam, and Tucker these past few weeks have been really exciting since I got my ghost powers. We were in the middle of one, and I was waiting until those three and the new ghost showed up in mid-combat at a warehouse. "Beware!" the ghost said and introduced himself, "I am the Box Ghost! I have power over all containers, cardboard and square!"

"Okay, can we get this over with?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "I've got a test to study for."

"Study?" Box Ghost asked. "There will be no time to study when you've find yourself crushed beneath the forgotten possessions of-!" He turned to face one of the mailing addresses on the box as he trails off. "Elliot Kravitz of Arlington Heights, Illinois!" The Box Ghost sends the boxes over to me. I crossed my arms and turned invisible, and the contents that were inside flew past me.

I was highly unimpressed and sighed, "I don't have time for this! Hey, Tucker, let's go!" I looked over to see him, Sam, and (Y/n) bust through the doorway. (Y/n) had a textbook in her hand and Tucker had the thermos.

Tucker swirled the Fenton Thermos on his finger and flipped the lid off it. "Goodnight, everybody!" Tucker called out, activating the thermos on his own. I grabbed the Box Ghost and threw him in the direction of the blue beam of light. "Perimeter secured~"

"Perimeter secure?" Sam asked, raising an eyebrow. "What are you, a navy seal?"

I jumped down next to (Y/n) and smiled. "Seals: aquatic mammals that bark!" I said, proudly. "They're canines, right?" (Y/n) opens the textbook to check.

"Wrong." she said sadly, "That's zero for twenty-one."

Tucker spins the thermos on the side on his finger and said, "I'm no teacher, but I'm guessing that's an F."

"Come on, you guys." I scoffed with a sigh. "If you're going to be superhero sidekicks, you're going to have to be a little more focused." I fly overhead and turn to (Y/n). "You're supposed to be helping me study for the test tomorrow." I float over to Sam and Tucker, "And you two are supposed to be helping me catch these ghosts so I have time to study! There's only four of us, so it shouldn't have to be this hard!"

"What?" Tucker asked, continuing to spin the thermos. "They're all riiiiiiight here." (Y/n) tried to catch the thermos from falling, but she was a little too late as it caught them all off guard. The sign on the side of it said, "Release" and I just had to say something about the whole situation. Every ghost we captured the past week or so got released.

The Box Ghost was the last to be released and he laughed. "I am the box ghost! You cannot hold me within the confines of a cylindrical container!" We all stood in shock as he escaped.

"That's weird..." Tucker spoke up and the three of us glared at him. He held up his PDA. "According to my schedule, you should be done catching ghosts by now." (Y/n) facepalmed when he said that and the time on his PDA said 9pm. I also ended up glaring at him.


(Y/n POV)~

The following morning, we all met up in the library to hear what Danny's result was. "I've got a D?!" Danny shouted. "All this ghost hunting is taking me away from my study time."

"So much being in the Fenton family of geniuses." Tucker said which wasn't helping. I sent him an elbow to the ribs. Then, I placed my hand on Danny's shoulder for comfort.

"I can't get a D in biology." Danny said. "My parents will kill me!"

"Not if you pull your grade up!" Sam suggested and we look over to her. "By doing an extra credit biology assignment on this magnificent creature."

Danny and I stood up to look at the screen. "A purple back gorilla?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Yep," Sam grinned at me. "Extremely rare. Only two left. Both male. After this, they're gone forever! Which is why, you are going to prove that he deserves to be set free!" She pointed at Danny who's thinking.

"I don't have time for extra credit!" Danny said. "...Or your agendas!"

"Actually, you do." Tucker said, and we looked at him. "You just have to learn how to manage it better." He held up his PDA again. "I've decided to become your time manager. It's the least I could do after (Y/n) made me let all those ghosts out."

"I don't know..." Danny sighed.

"It'll be my job to keep track of all your schedule, so you could do your school work with your lovebird, and catch all those ghosts that (Y/n) let loose."

I glared at him once more, "Lovebird? You're joking. Anyways, remember what happened when he let you manage the Fenton Thermos?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I've already scheduled to "Not let Tucker handle the thermos"." Tucker said, showing us the gadget again.

"I suppose we could have a trial period." Danny sighed, exchanging a look with me.

"See?" Tucker asked, looking through the schedule again. "I've already scheduled some zoo time about that gorilla. Let's go!" He put his PDA gadget away into his back pocket and we all headed out of the library.


"There he is, (Y/n) ..." Sam commented as she peeked through her binoculars. "Sampson." I had interest in maybe like the first five minutes, but then after that, it was all butt scratching from there on out. "So, majestic..." Oh, look, and right on cue, the gorilla turned and scratched it's butt for the billionth time. I was leaning back on a counter with Danny and Tucker, who also shared no interest.

"Sam, we've been watching this gorilla scratch his butt for uhm..." I started to say and turned to the boys. "How long?"

Tucker yawned as he checked his watch. "Six hours."

Danny also yawned which made me yawned. Darn it! I was trying to not give into it, finally realizing that my eyes were starting to droop. "Time flies when you're majestically scratching your butt." Danny said, and I stifled a laugh.

"It's only a matter of time before you find something about Sampson that nobody has ever learned! You should communicate with him!" Sam said, turning to us. I didn't realize until now that it suddenly got quiet.

I looked down below and saw Danny already fast asleep. Lucky him. I stepped over to Sam so I wouldn't give in to rest. Sam scoffed, "Great."

"Tucker, you're Danny's manager." I said, rubbing my eyelids. "Can you-?" 

Tucker was also fast asleep, and he yawned. Danny and Tucker rolled over to face each other and hugged in their sleep. Sam sighed, and said, "I'll do it, but first..."

I already had a camera pulled out before she could pull hers and snapped a photo. She was surprised at me and I said, "Boys hugging makes every yearbook funny." I gave her an evil smile and she looked highly impressed.

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