Chapter 21: The Halfa

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"Danny!" Sam shouted, pulling him down the hallway after an hour later. Tucker and I were keeping watch by the locker. I had the gloves behind my back hidden. "Come quick. A bully is shoving a poor, defenseless nerd inside his own locker."

"Tucker, I'll save you!" Pointdexter said and transformed into his ghost form. He looked around and saw nothing happen. "Hey...There's no nerd getting shoved inside his locker!"

I walked over and pulled out the Ghost Gloves that started glowing with electricity. Pointdexter was screaming in fear, and I quickly grabbed him. "There is now!" I said.

"No!" Pointdexter shouted as I lifted him up and into the locker. Danny was standing by the portal and was smiling. I shoved him inside and Danny on the other end, pulled him through the portal back.


*Danny's POV*

"You've had your fun!" I shouted. "Now I want my body and my life back!"

"Ahh, forget you bully!" Pointdexter said. "You're not going anywhere."

Pointdexter came at me in my ghost form and was really clumsy...But he still managed to push me backwards off my feet. My back hit the wall, and I fell to the ground. He started flying at me and laughed. "I'm doing it!" He said and turned invisible.

"You may have my powers." I said as he phased through the wall. "But you sure don't know how to use them!...Of course, I don't know how to use them, but at least I know how to use them better than you do!" Pointdexter came rushing back at me and I moved away. "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses." He swung at me and missed again. "You couldn't hit a guy with glasses!" He swung some more and I moved away once more. "In fact, you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn!"

"Hold. Still." He said irritated.

The school bell rang and everyone began to crowd around us and chanted for a fight. Pointdexter swung and swung again, but each time he did it, I dodged a blow. "Hey!" a jock said. "Get a load of Pointdexter. He's fighting the Halfa!"

"Look at him standing up to that weird-headed, ghost bully." another person said.

"I'm not a bully!" I defended and Pointdexter uppercut me to my locker. The locker closed shut on me.

"Now if you don't mind..." Pointdexter said. "I'm going to live it up some more with (Y/n) in your body!" I stood my ground with the mirror above my head. "What-!?"

"One false move," I said angrily. "And I smash your door back to my world."

"You wouldn't." Pointdexter said. "What about her? You'd strand us both here."

"She'd understand, so try me."

He started to reach for the mirror, and I moved it away from him. "I've got a better idea." Pointdexter said. "I can make you. With your powers, I can make you do anything." He turned invisible and phased right through me. Perfect. I let go of the mirror and he started to take control of his body.

"That's what I was hoping you'd do..." I said, and fought him to stay in his own body. I floated out of my own body and gave a mischievous grin at Pointdexter who was down on the ground.

"Huh?" Pointdexter muttered. "No!"

I hurried back through my own portal out of here, victoriously.


*(Y/n)'s POV*

We waited for another hour for Danny to come back, and I felt fidgety, wondering what happened over there. Suddenly, he fell out of his locker. The door to the locker ended up hitting the person walking over and that person was Mr. Lancer. He fell over after stumbling and Danny fell on top of him.

The frogs from the box Lancer was carrying were hopping away. "No!" Mr. Lancer said, chasing after them. "Come back!"

"Oh, dear..." Sam said, "Whatever will we do?"

"Danny!" I said as he walked up to us. "How do we know you're really Danny?"

"Because I used my powers for the wrong reason and became exactly the kind of person I hate." He said, and I smiled proudly. "It got me in a world of trouble, and I'm not going to do that again." Danny grabbed the mirror from the locker to smash the portal before giving me a "Welcome back" hug.

"Now that's the Danny I remember..." I whispered to him.

"Fenton?!" a voice said and we jumped away from each other's arms. "That's school property." Everyone was crowding around him with the badges on their chests and signs for Sam's "Save the Frog" campaign.

"I can explain!" Danny said, walking over. He blinked before he could. "Actually, I really can't..."

"I'm holding you responsible for this, and the escaped frogs...but seeing how upstanding students are like Dash Baxter have made their opinion known...I'm willing to overlook the frogs. Ms. Manson? You could learn a thing or two about activism..." Sam gave him an angry look. "Still, that leaves the matter of your locker." Mr. Lancer started to reassign Danny. "I'm going to have to assign you a new one."

And that lead near the band room.

"My 15 minutes of popularity is up, and I wasn't even here for it!" Danny said and we met up with him.

"Yeah, but at least it wasn't a total loss." Sam said and held up the mechanical frog up. "Looks like this baby's going to get some use after all!" 

The Box Ghost swooped down and snatched it from her, and we did a double take. "Aha!" He shouted. "I am no longer the Box Ghost. I am now the mechanical frog ghost!" The Box Ghost cackled with laughter until electricity sputtered out of the mechanical frog. He ended up dropping it on Tucker's head who was displeased. "Uh...I've changed my mind! I am once again the Box Ghost who will have nothing to do with mechanical amphibians. BEWARE!" He phased through the lockers and disappeared on us. 

Danny looked at us with a smile and said, "Now there's a guy who knows exactly who he is." 

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