Chapter One: Casper High~

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(A/n update as of 1/2/2023! Happy new year, folks! First of all, holy moly, 6.2k on book 1 and an overall rating of 58k views! Thank you all for taking the time to hang around, commenting on this fanfiction <3 What a journey has this series been!)

~*(Y/n) Introduction*~

"What's so special about Amity Park?" I ask with a sigh. I wasn't really happy with the moving, and we were always moving. Mom and Dad are both paranormal researchers and have been offered a lot of places to check out these random investigations. Recently, there's been a lot of activity around Amity Park, and we got a call. I think it was their manager, someone named Vlad Masters offered us a place to stay. I thought it was totally sketchy.

But then my parents have been getting frequent phone calls from a family called the Fentons. We ended up having a place near their home.

The Fentons are also a family; the parents are ghost hunters. They decided to team up together. When the call came, a woman named Maddie Fenton hatched up a plan, and said that to make progress, my parents would have to help provide research on paranormal activity. To find the ghost that's haunting these places.

"It'll be fine, (Y/n)." Mom said, turning to face me from the passenger side. We were almost near the new house. I lost track of how many hours it took to drive from our old state to here. "They have a son who's your age, and a daughter a couple years older than you both. You and Danny will be attending Casper High together. Won't that be great?" She sounded super chirpy, but I think it's because she thinks I might have a chance to find someone I really like.

"Uh huh..." I said glumly. "And if he doesn't like me?"

Dad spoke up this time, "I can always find other ways to threaten him."

"Oh stop it, honey." Mom said. "He's a very sweet boy as Maddie described him to be. In fact, you two have a lot in common. Don't you like playing those games on your tv?"

I sighed and blushed. "Yes, mom, but please, it's fine, I'll - just go to school without messing up."

Dad laughed. "There's no way you can mess up on your first day of school, (Y/n)!" He grinned at me through the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, the last time you said that dad, I tripped into a bunch of kids on my way in, and all my notebooks plus other papers scattered literally EVERYWHERE." I said, pouting in the back seat. I averted my eyes back to the window.

They both smiled at that. "You made a few friends that day, didn't you?" he asked. "I'm sure Danny will be able to show you the ropes."

"No no no," I quickly declined. "There will not be any rope showing, dad. Anyways, are we there yet?"

We rolled up to the sidewalk and Dad placed the car in park. I looked over to see a gigantic opt center on the corner of the street attached to a tall house. "Gee, this place is huge!" I exclaimed, with my jaw dropped. "They must be rich."

"They're just like us, sweetheart." Mom said.


"No, they're not rich." She chuckled, "Come on, let's go and introduce ourselves."

I probably was imagining it, but I felt my heart beating pretty quickly. I wasn't sure if it was the jitteriness because I was moving to a new school, or meeting someone new. I took a deep breath and sighed. Welcome to Amity Park, I guess. Mom rang the door bell, and we saw the parents first. "Hi there, you must be the (L/n)'s!" A friendly woman in her blue jumpsuit said. "I'm Maddie. Maddie Fenton, and this is my husband, Jack Fenton. Kids! Come downstairs. They're here!"

Jack and Maddie allowed us into their home, and my eyes were wandering in the living room. It just seemed very normal to me, and I thought, 'Okay, so they're not as weird as my parents.' I smiled to myself, and me and my parents sat down on the couch.

Jack Fenton looked over to me and walked over. "I was just talking to my son about you, and he's very eager to meet you, (Y/n)! I wonder where he is..." He said, and I blushed a little bit. "I'll go get him!" Mom and dad were giggling beside me, and I sent them a pouting face and that made them quiet. I was already totally embarrassed.

"But - but!" I started stammering. "Mr. Fenton, you don't have to...! And, you're gone..."

"Danny!" He shouted, and hurried upstairs.

A moment later, he came back downstairs and I was already at the bottom of it. I had a pleading look in my eyes that said, 'Please don't do this', but I knew it was helpless. A boy with dark, raven hair and blue eyes peeked over his dad's shoulder curiously, and he smiled, but it was a nervous smile. "Danny! Meet (Y/n). She will be living near our house and going to school with you and your little friends this year." Jack said. "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone."

"I - I just met your son, how are we already love-!?"

"Yeah, dad, wait-!" Danny said. He was just as nervous as I was. "So, how was the trip...?" He was starting to take another step down the stairs until he completely misses it. I winced as he fell to the ground, and I helped him up.

I smiled at him, and two other people joined behind him. "Gee, Danny." A girl in black and purple clothes said. "Already falling for the new girl, huh?"

"How many times is he going to learn that that isn't going to work?" a boy with glasses said, and they giggled together.

"Cut it out." Danny said. "Anyways, I'm Danny, these are my two best friends: Sam Manson and Tucker Foley. If you want, we can show you around tomorrow at school and get you settled in."

I smiled at the thought, and frowned quickly, "You guys aren't going to make fun of me for messing up on my first day, are you?"

"We're already outcasts." Sam said. "Sounds like you're one yourself, (Y/n)."

"Yeah, my parents have an obsession with ghosts, so at my old school, I was." I sheepishly said, and that's when my new life began.

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