Chapter Three: Gigantic Meat Monster

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"Meat." Tucker said, panicking. We saw beads of sweat falling from his face. "Near." He then reached up to Mr. Lancer and sniffed at him.

"No, no!" Mr. Lancer said quickly. "The rumors about the all-you-can-eat steak buffet in the teacher's lounge are completely...untrue." He stuck a toothpick in his teeth and placed a hand on Sam's shoulder. "Thanks again." Sam nodded and he walked away from our table.

"Yeah, thanks for making us eat garbage, Sam." Tucker growled at her.

"It's not garbage!" she said, and held up her bun. "It's recyclable organic matter."

"It's garbage." The three of us said in unison. I sighed, and took a quick glance around the cafeteria. Everyone seemed totally glum about this new part of the menu. All the other students sat down with their trays, some weren't bothered to try it. Most of them wished they brought bagged lunches.

I went back to my tray, and scooped a little bit of the grass on the bun. Danny looked at me surprised, "You're going to try it?"

"It wouldn't hurt, who knows? Maybe I might like it." I said, but the worried look on my face said otherwise.

I was about to eat it until Danny spoke up. "Uhm...guys, I've got a problem."

We all jumped when a handful of mud pies landed in the back of Danny's head. "Fenton!" Dash screamed with an empty plate on his side. Danny gritted his teeth at the unpleasant feeling of the pies seeping through his hair.

"Make that two problems..." Danny said miserably. Everyone stared and crowded around us.

"I ordered three mud pies." Dash said, stomping towards us. "Do you know what they gave me? Three. Mud. Pies. With mud. From the ground!" I wanted to do something, anything to make up for the accident I caused Danny. The rest of us stood up from our table, and I went over to help defend him.

"Dash, stop it!" I ordered, but he grabbed Danny by the collar of his shirt. "Let him go!"

"These are the best years of my life. After high school, it's all downhill for me." He spit at Danny who winced. I thought about how unfair it was for him to take it out on Danny when he did nothing wrong. In fact, Dash is mainly the reason why Danny always got detention. "How am I supposed to enjoy my glory days eating mud?!"

Sam crossed her arms at this, "Actually, it's top soil."

"Whatever!" Dash threw Danny at me and we both collided back into our table. We quickly separated from each other, ignoring all the teasing looks from everyone else. "Eat it." Dash growled, "All of it." Dash stood behind me, and before Danny could take a bite, he looked around nervously. Danny lifted up the plate next to him quickly and I tilted my head in confusion, wondering what his plan was next. The alarming look on his face said, 'Duck!'

"Uhm, uh...Garbage fight!" He threw the plate of mud pies over my head and I managed to escape. It landed over Dash's face and everyone erupted into chaos. They all cheered and threw whatever they could back and forth at each other. Danny pulled me and Tucker underneath the table and before I could follow them, I looked behind me to see Sam left behind.

"It's not garbage, it's-!" She started to shout, and I pull her down with me. We all crawled to follow Danny out of the scene. I stopped behind him as he turned to Dash.

"You're going to pay for this, Fenton!" Dash yelled. I giggled as he kept getting hit in the face with more mud pies.

"Oh great..." Danny mumbled. "I'm still his favorite."


We followed Danny to the kitchen area, and opened the door slightly. The four of us were peeking through. Tucker smirked and we saw the ghost lunch lady handling a bowl of salad, "Shouldn't be so bad. She looks a little like my grandmother."

"Shouldn't she be haunting a bingo hall?" Danny muttered. Sam and I walk up behind them, and the lunch lady turned around to us.

"Hello, children." She said sweetly, and floated to us. "Can you help me? Today's lunch is meatloaf, but I don't see the meatloaf. Did someone change the menu?"

"Yeah!" Tucker exclaimed and pointed to Sam next to him with his thumb. "She did."

"YOU CHANGED THE MENU?!" the lunch lady roared at us. She had flames roaring on the side of her ears and her eyes turned blood red. We all gasped and backed up from the sweet lady who turned into a giant monster with green flames surrounding her for effect. "The menu has been the same for 50 YEARS!"

"Get behind me!" Danny yelled and we all jumped behind him.

"Wow, I feel safe." Sam mumbled.

"I'm goin' ghost!" He shouted his battle cry, turning into his alter ego Danny Phantom. After his transformation, he floated up to the lunch lady. "I command you to...go away!" The lunch lady raises her glowing, green hand at the gigantic pile of dishes that started hurdling towards Danny. He closed his eyes and turned invisible, allowing them to crash through him.

Danny hurried over to protect Sam and Tucker from the dishes that flew over towards them and managed to catch all the dishes. He set them down on the counter next to them. The lunch lady was frustrated and raised her other hand at the other side of the counter. The dishes started floating up again, but this time headed towards my direction.

I tried to protect myself until Danny flew in front of me with his hands out to catch all of the other ones, too. Some of them he caught in his mouth. We both exchanged a small smile after what had happened, and then he hurried over to the side of the wall to place all the dishes on the counter. Once Danny removed the few plates from his mouth, he said to himself, "Well, if the superhero thing doesn't work out, I could have an exciting career as a busboy." Through the clean surface of the plates, he saw the stoves going haywire.

"I control lunch!" The lunch lady said. "Lunch is sacred! Lunch has RULES. Anybody want cake?" Sam, Tucker, and I nodded with our jaws dropped. "Too bad. Children who change MY menu do not get dessert!" She escaped and floated up towards the ceiling.

When she left, the green flames emerged from the stoves. The three of us moved out of the way quickly, and I could tell that those stoves weren't happy when we dodged, so I thought to myself, "Uh oh...". The stoves started to fly towards us and we flinch. Behind us, Danny places his hand on my shoulder as well as Tucker's. I grab Sam along with me and we find ourselves turning invisible. We fly through the wall with Danny and collapse into the hallway, turning tangible.

"Hey, it worked!" Danny exclaimed.

"THIS is the thanks I get for thinking like an individual?" Sam asked, irritably. We all stared at her, feeling probably a little bit sorry until the ground rumbled. Danny, Tucker and I looked up, and saw the fluorescent lights going out.

Danny protected me from the lockers that opened up suddenly down the hallway, with school supplies flying towards the lunch lady. Then, Tucker started sniffing the air. "Steak..." he said, drooling. "Rib eye! No, porthouse! Medium rare..." We all saw various types of meats attach to the lunch lady, creating a gigantic meat monster with glowing, green eyes. "But where did it come from...?" It took him half a second to say, "Lancer."

The lunch lady - or well, gigantic meat monster I should say, started stomping over to the four of us. "Prepare to learn why meat is the most powerful of the five food groups!" she shouted at Sam, then she turned to offer us a, "Cookie?" Sam and I just shook our heads. "Then, perish!"

"Forget it!" Danny said, stepping in front of both of us. "The only thing that has an expiration date here, is you!" He clenched his hand into a fist, and suddenly he turned back to his human form. "Whoops! I didn't mean to do that."

The lunch lady grabbed me and Danny and hurled us towards Tucker, who was already on the ground. We got piled with paper, and the meat monster ended up grabbing Sam. She took Sam away and I said, "Come on, Danny, change back! We gotta go!"

"You three aren't going anywhere!" Mr. Lancer grabbed at our shirts and we had our jaws dropped to the floor.

"Told ya you'd pay, Fenton!" Dash said beside Mr. Lancer. He was still covered in those mud pies from earlier. Danny looked at Dash, then at Mr. Lancer, and finally, me and Tucker in fear.

Danny Phantom x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now