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"People only show the side of themselves that they want you to see"

"People only show the side of themselves that they want you to see"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

A month later

I woke up to Gisele and Rebekah people hovering over my bed "Rise & Shine birthday girl" Rebekah said pulling me out of bed. "We have a lot to do before your party"Gisele said
I shook my head "No thanks" "Its not every day that you turn Twenty-Two Nai" They told me
"If I have to go so do you get your Ass up" Malcolm said walking in my room
I got up and hugged him tight "Happy birthday Mal." I said "You know you Owe me right?  your boyfriend had his hybrids stalking me"He said giving me a smug grin "only in his dreams will I ever be his girlfriend"

This is the first time we saw each other in Months So of course I was going

"If I say yes would I still Owe you" I said sarcastically "Mhmm we're even " he told me walking out the room. "I'll be there but Rebekah please don't tell your brother about this I'm avoiding him. I said She nodded before walking out "Look Naomi you can't keep avoiding him just talk to him"Gisele said Leaving.

Ten years ago

"Do you really want to go against me Twins"a woman said "you belong to me" She yelled "We're not some power source that you can use whenever you want"The Twins said. "Well it's a good thing I don't take orders from children."she said. "We're not helping this coven anymore find another power source" They said walking out the Coven house. "Happy birthday Twins!"Gisele said popping up behind them
"Thanks Sele"They said "How'd it go with Marie" she asked "Let's just say this coven will become weaker without Us"Naomi said Gisele frowned at her words "I've got something big planned for tonight so be ready" Gisele said walking away. "That girl is always planning something" Malcolm said turning to his sister "What's the plan when Marie tries to come for us" He asked her "Follow Me brother" she said leading him an old house "Why are we here Nai" he asked before she could speak "Monroe told me that our mother left us something to find. She said handing him a map "It's behind the walls isn't it"he asked "Yeah but I don't know which one" she replied "Is this a spell on the back"He asked showing her "There's only way to find out" She replied placing her hand Against her brother's "eritaj ou a ka mete anba presyon li pa ka fè pou rete" They chanted
Making A hole in the ground beneath them Finding Two wooden Jewelry boxes with their initials on them "I get mom wanted to leave us These boxes but why did she choose a creepy old house to put them in?" He said
Naomi holding back her laughter told him "Our mother used to live here with her parents before they were killed. I think that's how Marie became Regent" I can't take another minute in this house" he said pushing his sister

Present day
Nobody Pov

"Nik I need to speak with you. "Rebekah yelled walking in "What is it Rebekah" he said vamp speeding downstairs "I'm throwing a party for Naomi & Malcolm's birthday and I need you to be here tonight"She said "Why would I want to see that Woman after she left for months and all she leaves is a Bloody letter"He spat "This is your chance to see her Nik I know you've missed her"Rebekah said teasing him "Contrary to what you believe I've moved on Rebekah" he told her. "Whatever you say but if she walked through that door you'd fall for her again" she said but as she spoke the doorbell rung "Naomi what are you doing here so early"Rebekah asked her "I came for a drink"She replied "What can I help you with little witch"Klaus said making his way to the door "it's my birthday how about a drink"she said holding out her hand "Anything for the birthday girl"He said taking her hand
"When did you get back in town"He asked
"A week ago" she replied "We have a lot to tell each other don't we"he said taking her through a shortcut

The Challenge||K.Mikaelson||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ