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"Face your decisions or run from them"

"You don't have to be here Klaus I don't need a babysitter," I told him walking into the kitchen

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"You don't have to be here Klaus I don't need a babysitter," I told him walking into the kitchen.

"Your brother believes you do little witch," he said following me.

"I'm a grown woman who doesn't need You to make sure I'm alright Not to mention I'm A dark witch!" I spat pinning him to the wall with telekinesis

"I know you are fully capable of taking care of yourself Naomi." He replied.

"Why are you still here Klaus cut the bullshit," I said as my eyes glowed green

"Naomi" He muttered

"You and your sister infiltrated my mind releasing darkness into my body when you stabbed me " I scoffed

"It was the only way to wake you up"He replied "Is that what Gisele told you," I said looking up at him and laughing.
"I'm glad you think this is amusing Naomi," he said smiling
"See this is why witches will always be the superior supernatural," I told him
"You know I was friends with twin witches when my family and I settled in New Orleans long ago"
"let me guess brother and sister," I said grabbing ingredients from the pantry

"Yeah they were also dark witches," he said

"Where are you going with this Klaus" I questioned

"Her brother became ill so she went to a healer in their Coven she cured him but It upset the balance

"Long story short" I muttered

She actually cursed them to absorb magic from every spell in their coven making them stronger Until they realize that Their power would be passed down throughout their bloodline

"My grandparents were killed for being dark witches, My mother was killed as she gave birth to Malcolm and I because my coven knew she was having twins we are the last dark witches in existence because I killed my coven.
"Damn seems like all you know is death," Klaus said
"You know I never told anyone that," I said to him

Malcolm and I hold all the power of over two hundred witches in our bodies and growing stronger as we speak

"I want to take you somewhere because I'm tired of being here," Klaus said grabbing my keys
"I think not what about my macarons," I said
"These will be here when you get back," he said

Two months ago
Savannah ga

Klaus walks into The herb shop greeted by a woman behind the counter "Hi welcome to Monroe's let me know if you need help" "Yes, I was wondering if you could help me find someone he asked her "Sure what is their name" she replied "Naomi Hayes" he said
The girl's Eyes widens  "What do you want with Naomi" She asked "I came to pay her a short visit" he replied "I haven't seen her since she came in here two weeks ago" She told him "I can tell when you lying Sweetheart. So why don't you just tell me where she is and I'll be on my way"He uttered "If Naomi wanted to be found then you would've found her by now" She replied "You need to leave" The girl said throwing him out the door with her mind.

30 minutes later

"You know only serial killers bring women to abandon houses I guess you're not far off from that, " I said getting out of the car

"You might be right love but I have no interest in killing you" Klaus replied walking into the house full of artwork
"I know you didn't make me leave my apartment just to show me paintings so why am I here

He punched a hole in the wall revealing a small wooden box

"I've only ever met one set of dark witches beside you and your brother so I believe this will be helpful to you and Malcolm," he said handing me the box

"Klaus Mikaelson being thoughtful and caring two words I never thought I'd associate with your name," I said teasing him

"it's more to me than what meets the eye little witch," he said

A few minutes later
The Mikaelson mansion

"Of course, you will take me a million places before taking me home" I muttered
"Just A quick stop Love," He said holding the door open
"Liquor just what I need," I said pouring myself a glass When I found a letter on the table
I yelled out his name "What wrong little witch" he said as the vamp sped towards me

I Handed him the letter when his face went blank

"A witch is conspiring against Me in New Orleans," Klaus said "New Orleans, Damn you sure do piss off a lot of people Klaus, " I said "I haven't been there in over a century Naomi," he told me
"Yet you a trail of Enemies that are conspiring against you" I replied back "I don't know if need your sarcasm right now" he spat "Your the one who forced me here but the way I see it you can either solve your problems or run from them and aren't you tired of running" I uttered "I don't run from people I make them fear me " Klaus muttered "Honestly I don't see why people are scared of you. The day We met you were in Richmond because of Rumors that your father was back" I said
"What does this have to do with anything" he spat
"Look All I'm saying is don't be afraid to face that witch and when you do I will be one Astral projection spell or a seven-hour drive away," I said hugging him

They hugged each other tight Knowing they were about to part ways again

"This isn't goodbye Naomi we will reunite
Klaus said as he kisses me on the forehead
"Maybe you can give me a tour of New Orleans," I said grabbing my keys
"That's only if you come with Little witch," Klaus asked "I don't know about that," I said putting my head on his shoulder "I'm glad I can call you my friend, "He told me
Me  too you're surprisingly easy to talk to

A Few days later

[voicemail from Klaus]
"Naomi I'm standing in one of my favorite places right now in New Orleans and all I can think about is how much I want to show you it"

I received a package from Klaus I opened the envelope when I noticed A Handkerchief with the initials  "EM" on it on the couch "Are you going to come out of the shadows Elijah" I said making him appear behind me
"As you already know my brother believes witches are considering against him, "Elijah said walking toward me
"Yes I'm very aware" I replied
"I know my brother has a reckless streak," Elijah said
"That's an understatement"I replied
"I believe you can help him with that "He questioned
"Your brother made Enemies for over a thousand years!"
"He wasn't always like this Naomi," he told me

"Nobody is born broken it's the people that raised us who made us like that yet some people use their past as an excuse. I'm not in the habit of fixing broken people Elijah."I scolded

"I want you to accompany me to New Orleans, "Elijah asked me

"I'd think your Brother would be hurt that I accepted your offer" I replied

"Why's that Naomi," he said

"When are we leaving?" I asked ignoring his question

Elijah just stared at me Then he pulled out a large envelope from his jacket "I will pick you up at 9:00 tomorrow morning"He said before leaving me alone

Naomi questioned the motives of Elijah's visit but who can blame her hasn't seen him since the night of the ritual when they shared a kiss but will that stop her from what she's really feeling or will a turn of events make her hide them

A/N~Hope you like the chapter
The next chapter is when the story starts to Move into the Originals

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