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"I guess you owe me now"
The Lockwood mansion
Naomi &Gisele POV

"Damn Nai I didn't know Your new "Friend" was loaded"Gisele said walking into the mansion. "He sure knows how to throw a good party" I said looking around for Klaus "Ok, I'm going to find we're the hard liquor is and I'll find you later"Gisele said walking towards the kitchen "Ok, Be careful" I said walking to the backyard Where I see Klaus walking off stage towards me. "I didn't believe you would actually Come "Klaus said holding his arm out for me "Well I couldn't miss out on A Massive party,Now could I?" I said taking his arm."Well Luv Enjoy the party I have a Feeling it's going to be eventful"He said staring into my eyes.
"Take me to where the Booze is my friend" I said Klaus was amused at my comment took me to a table where he played beer pong "How long are going to take playing the game" I said annoyed
"Theirs someone here to see you sir"A girl said to Klaus. "Not now I'm on the verge of victory"Klaus spat "He said his name was Mikael sir" Klaus looked at Me then back at the girl "Well Then we shouldn't keep him waiting" he replied Grabbing my hand and pulling me close"let's go have a chat with my dad shall we"
I just looked concerned at what he said "Don't worry little witch just stay behind me and you'll be fine"he said with a smug grin on his face. "This isn't a weird family reunion right?" I asked nervously. "Hello boy" said A Man standing at the threshold ."why don't you come out and face Me boy"He said. I looked at Klaus "Why am I getting involved with vampires" I thought to myself "well,this should be interesting "I said sarcastically. I have to admit Watching Klaus and his father argue was Amusing Until He threatened to kill this woman who seems awfully familiar.That's when Gisele Walked up to us "What the hell are you doing"she said staggering. She wasted I thought so I turned to Help her focus "Turn around Nai Did you see what just happened!" She said in awe of what happened. I turned around to see Klaus standing In front of his father's burning corpse "Did you really just kill you dad, Klaus" I said stunned. "I told you Tonight would be eventful Luv" he replied with a sigh of relief. "Gisele your staying with me Tonight you're Hammered" I Said walking her out the mansion "Wait, Naomi Let Me take you ladies home"Klaus said trying to catch up to us
That's when A group of men walked up behind Him and snapped His neck. I instantly sent them flying "What hell is up with vampires in this Town"I said to Gisele "I don't know but if we don't leave now I have a feeling We're going to find out"she replied. "Ok, fine get in the car I'll deal with his body" I said I dragged his body to the Car with the help of magic "He's going to owe me "I said to myself.

Naomi apartment
The next morning
Klaus Pov

I woke up with a awful headache and Unaware of Where I was until she came in "Where am I" I asked confused "your in my bed Klaus"She said with a stunning smile on her face. "Did we?" "No, we didn't A group of vampires snapped your neck so, I brought you here. "So I guess you owe me now" I made Breakfast" she said walking out the room
I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to see two witches standing by the stove "you sure do eat a big breakfast don't you"I said sitting at the table."Well I have One friend who is hungover and another that I literally Dragged into my apartment" Naomi said handing me a stack of pancakes. A loud knock on the door grabbed Naomi attention "let just be clear here Naomi saved your ass last night so you better make it up to her or you and I will have problems"Gisele said with her eyes turning dark. I nodded in agreement walking out the kitchen

A month later
Naomi POV
"Malcolm what are you doing here so early" I asked concerned "I haven't seen you in Two weeks so, I thought I'd stop by" my twin replied. "It's good to see you"I hugged Him tight "I need to ask you something Nai"he said sitting on the couch "ok ask away then" I said sitting next to him. Why do keep I having a dreams of Our coven being massacred" I just stared in despair. I couldn't lie to my brother because I knew he wouldn't lie to me but to tell him what actually happened Last Summer it's will break his heart and mine.
"Malcolm I didn't tell you the full story about what happened last summer" "okay" he said with a confused expression on his face. "The reason why we left Georgia is because Our coven wanted me to kill you Because They said you'd Bring death to the coven with your abilities." "I knew this already Naomi that doesn't explain my dreams"he mentioned
"I did Three spells The night of the ritual A binding spell,A extracting spell,and A linking spell that link The lives witches of our coven together And the help of Gisele I combined their magic together and extracted it from their body into you while you were asleep"This is a joke right?"He ask angrily. I looked at Him "No it's not brother" I replied with tears in my eyes "How could you not tell about this until Months later"he shouted. After I put their magic into your body I knew you wouldn't be able to handle all that power so i had to be divided equally. "What did you do Naomi" he said as he grew more angry. "Gisele divided their Power into both of us and finish their ritual by killing The elder" I said frightened. "Which started a chain reaction because they were linked"He said standing up. I stood up his eyes began to darken I stepped back "Malcolm are you ok" I asked He stared at me then let out A scream that was powerful enough to shake The apartment building and send me flying across the room.

The Next Day
I Woke up in my bedroom with Klaus just standing at the door waiting for me to wake-up
"Good morning little witch you were out for a while"He said sitting on the edge of the bed
"Why are you here"I replied. "I came to Invite to dinner but When I came your door was open and you were lying on the floor."He replied sarcastically."Well I have my brother to thank"I said getting out of bed."What are you talking about Luv"Klaus said following me."We got in an argument,Ok just dropped it" I shouted.
"Alright then dinner Tomorrow I'll have my driver come pick you up at Seven luv" He said with give me a smile."fine"I said giving Into his smile "I'll see you Then little witch"Then he was gone.

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