I place my empty glass on the table by our couch and stand up, swaying just a little. Naz giggles, "You're not a big drinker, are you?" She asks, holding her arm out to me, and I link my arm in hers, walking side by side.
We hold each other as we walk to the dancefloor.

"How'd you guess?" I ask her, my tone full of sarcasm.

"Just a hunch." Her laugh is a sweet, melodic sound, and it causes me to smile. "Damn, those martinis are strong!" Naz murmurs and continues laughing at Lilly and Charlotte in front of us, dancing their asses off on the way to the dancefloor.

I turn around to see if the guys are going to join us, but they remain seated on the sectional, though, I enjoy the view when I notice Mason staring at me, his eyes solely on my ass as I walk away. I wave at him just before we get to the doorway and now I blow him a kiss. The look on his face causes my chest to squeeze as he grabs my kiss from the air.

. ^ . ^ .

On the dancefloor, Naz & Charlotte dance together, moving their bodies to the rhythm of the music, while Lilly and I sway together as if a slow song were playing, her arms wrapped around my shoulders. She asks, "Are you having fun, Rosie?" and I tell her I'm having the best night of my life, garnering a squeal. 

The four of us dance for a while because the DJ is fantastic, and the music is upbeat. The dancefloor is full of people enjoying themselves just as much as we are... causing the energy around us to feel intoxicating and I close my eyes as I dance.

I only notice the guys have joined us when Khader steps in between Charlotte and Naz, who still dance together. Grabbing his girlfriend by her waist, he twists Naz into a twirl, and pulls her right into his arms. She wraps her hands around Khade's neck seductively and they dance together so sexily. I watch the two in amazement, enthralled by their intimacy on the dance floor; they obviously don't care who sees them together.

Two hands wrap around my waist and pull me backward until my bum snuggles into him. The warmth of his breath caresses along my skin as he leans down to whisper in my ear, "Hi, baby," causing me to relax into him. His hands graze down the length of my arms until he reaches my hands. Pulling my arms up, he spins me around to face him in one easy motion.

Mason holds my hands raised above my head, moving his hands exquisitely down the length of my arms—to my waist, and he begins to move. Rhythmically, his hips move to the beat of the song, and he takes my hands, lowering them to his chest as we move together. I am astonished by how good of a dancer Mason is. He controls every bit of our actions; if he moves, I move— always to the beat of the music.

Mason holds me close to him, swaying me, moving me with him, never taking his hands off my body, and it feels so sensual. For the first time with Mase, I don't feel envious of my girlfriends and their relationships. I get to enjoy my man, as they enjoy theirs.

After a few songs, Mason asks me if I want to sit down, and I nod my approval. "Come on, baby," taking my hand; he leads me off the dancefloor.

We walk back to our reserved spot, and Mason slides onto the leather sectional, pulling me down on top of him. He perches me on his lap and wraps his arm around my waist, clutching me to him.

Moving my arm around his neck, I look at him; "Are you sure, Mase? I don't want people to see if this makes you uncomfortable."

Mason growls, "Fuck it." Looking at him with raised eyebrows, he says, "I want you right here." Lowering his gaze to my legs resting over his, his touch is smooth as he edges his hand up the length of my bare thighs, "You belong right here."

Oh my god.

I smile at him, blissfully aware of the change within him, and I tousle his hair with my fingers. I lower my lips to his temple, and a low moan escapes him. I am enjoying this side of Mason I have seen all weekend. The carefree, easy-going Mason, the one with whom I have fallen completely in love.

Khader and Naz join us at our reserved area, intruding on our private moment; his brother chooses a seat beside Mason. Realizing the intimate position we are in, I am quick to stand up, but Mason grabs my waist and sits me back down again.

"Stay." He says, demanding me to relax.

Naz plops down on Khader, and smiles, thrilled at the sight of Mason's and my public display of affection. Her beaming smile tells me she approves. Khade swaths his arm around her waist, looking at her proudly; claiming her as his.

Khade speaks to Mason, but in their language, and Naz looks at me and purses her lips. "Any guesses as to what they're saying?" she asks, and I giggle at her spiciness. Naz makes sure she says it loud enough for the guys to hear, and I melt as the side of her mouth turns up into a smirk.

Shrugging my shoulders, I look down at Mase as he continues the conversation with his older brother until he looks up at me and wets his lips. The small gesture causes my heart to blast in my chest, and I have to reposition myself on him. I've honestly never wanted anything more, than I do right now... and his look tells me he knows it.

"Sorry ladies, we were just discussing some things," Khader tells us girls, rubbing Naz's arm. My heart skips a beat as I watch him look at his girlfriend. "Will you come dance with me?" he asks Naz, and she jumps off him, pulling him up by his hands.

Naz looks down at us and asks if we are coming, but Mason shakes his head at her and holds on to me tightly, not letting me go. I decline her offer, and they don't hesitate to leave us sitting there... together.

"Have a good rest of your evening, Roslyn." Khader says to me, his smile warm, "I hope you had fun this weekend, and I hope to see you soon." He says as Naz leads him away to go dance. I wave goodbye to Naz & Khader as they turn to leave.

Mason sighs as he nuzzles into the curve of my neck. "I have one last surprise for you, Miller." he murmurs, kissing my neck, "Will you come with me?" he asks me, kissing my mouth—the strong whiskey aroma lingering on my lips after he pulls away.

"Anywhere," I tell him, grinning.

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