Your shoulders relax at Wanda's genuine answer. You remember seeing her on the news as one of the Avengers newest recruit... and America's biggest threat. Tony Stark's face also made appearances for the backlash bringing an undocumented immigrant to live in the Avengers Tower along with the destruction of Sokovia.

"And honestly? These people seem to have that same motivation too. I bet you that they don't even know what charity they're donating to," Wanda looks around at the crowd behind her.

"Repairs for the children's hospital on East 23rd," you reply quickly. Wanda quirks a brow at you. "Or something like that." You take a sip to fight off the blush of Wanda's stare.

"So are you..."

"Still running New York's finest mafia? Yes."

Wanda nods and looks at the rows of liquor ahead of her. You can tell she was uncomfortable with the subject.

"Um excuse me, ma'am?" The bartender looks warily at you then at Wanda before giving her some sort of pink cocktail. "This is from the gentleman over there." The bartender nods to a white, blonde man sitting on the left side of the bar. The man has no tie on and has the first three buttons open on his shirt. You come to the conclusion that he either lives with his mother or lives off her money to support his tacky yet expensive lifestyle. Definitely Adrien's type.

Something in your head snaps. This poor excuse for a man overstepped and is going to understand the consequences. You snatch the drink before Wanda has a chance to say anything. You chug it down hastily and smash the empty glass against the bar counter. The shattered pieces scatter across the wood and sprinkle down onto the floor. You glare at the man.

"Fuck off," you growl. The man nearly falls off his stool to escape from you.

"Y/N, what the he-

Before Wanda can finish her sentence, you grab her hand and slam a one hundred dollar bill on the counter. You drag Wanda through the sea of people. She stays close to you still taking in what happened back at the bar. She follows you out of the ballroom with a few casting looks at the two of you.

You lead her into an enclosed conference room that's no doubt used for diplomatic purposes. The big doors creak open to reveal a long table with ten red cushioned chairs along each side.

"What are we-

You crash your lips into Wanda's. She stumbles back until the wall catches her. You press her against it and continue to intensify the kiss. You slip your tongue in and easily dominate. Her mouth tastes faintly of the white wine she drank. Wanda's arms loop around your neck to bring you closer. She sighs as your lips devours hers. You separate only to catch some air. You smile as you see her red lipstick smudged.

"Has anyone ever told you you're the jealous type?" Wanda tilts her head. You take the opportunity and press your lips against her neck. "Mmmm... Y/n..."

"Only when they have something I want," you say quickly. You sneak your thigh against Wanda's center. You feel her start to grind on you.

"I- we shouldn't be doing this," Wanda whispers as you bite down on her pulse point, marking her.

"Say the word and I'll stop."

Wanda's response consists of rubbing herself harder against you and whispering the words "don't stop."

This isn't the first time you've had Wanda under you. In your line of business you've crossed paths with the Avengers. Wanda would always be there and the want for her soon turned into a need. There would always be quickies in bathrooms or hidden warehouses. Nothing too serious, always casual. Close accomplices like Adrien caught on what was happening when you'd return with hickies and messy hair. However, the avengers appear to not have caught on.

Wanda Maximoff One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now