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Bonnie and Heather talked until they both reached their seperate classes, Bon sat down in her Spanish class and noticed the girl with the blonde hair and the cheerleading outfit wasn't here yet, she didn't think much of it so she continued to listen to the class.

The class was long and boring but it finally reached lunch time, she stood up from her chair, grabbed her stuff and headed towards her locker to put away her stuff.

She opened her locker and placed her books back in, she went to grab something out of her bag but the locker beside her opened rather quickly and banged into hers,

"excuse you" she said before closing her locker and pushing the locker beside her away from hers, before noticing who it was.

"what a privilege you have of having the locker right next to Eddie the freak Munson" he spoke with a grin as he enjoyed mocking her for calling him that yesterday, Bon rolled her eyes,

"Well I wouldn't say I'm grateful to be in this position" she smiled sarcastically going along with his words, he huffs,

"I'd say this is probably the best locker to have, right next to me, someone that isn't completely annoying-" he says banging his locker door on Bons to make sure he's being annoying as possible, "-and you get a front row seat to watch me army crawl my way towards a D in Ms. O'Donnell's class and snatch that diploma, I say it's a win-win situation" he spoke leaning against the locker,

"Oh yeah totally, the only problem is-" she paused as Eddie looked at her with confusion,

"- is you'd have to watch me graduate before you"

"Oh really?" He asks, his dimples showing as he smiled,

Bon just nodded her head in response,

"on a serious not though, are we able to meet again by the table in the woods?" She asks, her smile disappearing as she looked up at Eddie,

Eddie stood up from leaning against the locker and folded his arms,

"Yeah we can do that, your all good though right?" He asked,

Bon shook her head and shrugged her shoulders,
"Yeah of course, I'm good" she said trying to persuade him but also herself,

"Okay, well you know where to meet me" he said rather slowly as if he didn't quite believe her words, and he walked away,

Bon then walked across the hall and stopped by heathers locker,

"I never understood maths, it's pointless, I mean when am I ever going to use it once I graduate?" She blabbers on, mostly like she was talking to herself but looked at Bon for reassurance,

"Couldn't agree more" Bon nodded her head in response,

Heather shuts her locker with a bit of force and pulls a smile at Bon as they walk towards the cafeteria.

They push open the two doors and it was already busy in there, the same people sitting in the same spots.

Bon and Heather both went over and grabbed their tray of food, and walked towards where they sat last time, the only free table available.

The free table was all the way at back of the room to where they got their food, as they walked down the room, they both heard a rather loud voice coming from their left.

"But as long as your into band-" they both notice Eddie jumped up onto the table, he was wearing his denim jacket once again, and his black handkerchief in his back pocket of his ripped jeans,

"Or science... or parties-" he said looking over at the table full of people wearing bright coloured clothes and one guy flips him off,

"Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets" he shouted even louder looking directly at the table full of basketball boys, the same ones that nearly ran over Bonnie earlier this morning, as all this was happening Bon and Heather kept walking and watching,

But Bonnie realised she was getting really close to the basketball table,

"You want something freak?" The blonde boy that was driving the car stood up and shouted back with furrowed eyebrows and a deep voice, scaring no one but his own insecure masculinity,

Bon looked at Eddie waiting for a response as she got closer towards the boy, Eddie just pulled a face with devil horns and smiled,

"Prick" the basketballer spoke under his breath, Bon moved closer to the boy with her tray and purposely bumped into him quite hard, making her tray full of food spill on his top,

He threw his hands up and turned around looking Bon dead in the eye with anger,

"my bad, didn't see you there" she spoke with clear sarcasm, he just huffed and took off his jacket which was soaked in food,

Heather stood beside her with a wide open mouth at what just happened as Bonnie started walking again but just as she walked past making Jason standing just behind her,

she spoke loud enough for the people around them to hear, including Eddie,



Thank you all so much for reading my story, after nearly a week since it's come out, it's already got 20k reads as well as me gaining over 500 followers, I can't be any more appreciative of all the love you guys have given!

I really hope your enjoying the story! Make sure to keep commenting and tapping the little star down the bottom to help my story grow! Feel free to give suggestions in what you think should happen in the story!

Love you all, happy reading x

- A

his sweetheart // Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now