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As she starts getting closer to the school, the more students start to form their groups, as much as Bon didn't care about or even really think about who's popular and who's not, without even trying you can always notice and spot the ones that every teacher seems to like, the ones that will only date people within their social bubble and the ones that love to make the silent students feel seen.

Bon rolled her eyes at the thoughts in her head, and she stopped outside the school and dumps her bike on the ground, not knowing there was a specific bike stand but she walks in without a care. She walks through the halls, ignoring the weird looks she's receiving from the other students, mostly from the girls. She rolls her eyes and continues listening to her music.

After what felt like she was walking in circles around the school, she finally found the principles office and walked in.

"Hi, my name is Bonnie, this is my first day," she says to the lady at the front desk,

"will just be a moment dear, if you just take a seat next to Dustin, he will be with you in a moment" she gestured towards the 3 seats outside what must be the principles office with one seat filled by a boy with curly brown hair who was just waiting there patiently looking at the ground.

Bonnie walks over and sits down next to the boy, places her headphones back on and presses play to her music.

"You must be new here?" he turned to look at her with a great beaming smile as he waited for a response,

Bon pulls off her headphones and looks in his direction,

"yeah unfortunately I am I guess," Bon says in a sarcastic and unenthusiastic response which led to Dustin's smile fade just a little bit but still there as he continues talking,

"don't worry you'll fit right in," he says cheerfully as the door to the principles office opens rather fast and the principal steps out and looks at both Bonnie and Dustin sitting down,

"lovely to have you here, please come in," he says with open arms and nods towards his office,

Bonnie stands up with a sigh and grabs her bag from the floor and walks toward his office,

"I didn't quite catch your name? you know for future reference" Dustin blurts out before she turned the corner,

"it's Bonnie, see ya around Dustin," she says back,

"wait how did you know my name?" he says eagerly with him hoping she somehow heard of him before today, his eyes lit up as he waited for her answer,

"the lady at the desk mentioned it dufus" she laughs jokingly and steps into the office.

ten or so minutes go by and Bonnie found herself nearly falling asleep in the wooden chair she sat on, listening to Mr Coleman go over the expectations of being enrolled in Hawkins high and ways I can quickly settle in, you know all the fun and exciting stuff that everyone cares about...

Bonnie didn't really care about fitting in, she just needed to finish school to help get a job to get some money coming in and to go see the school counsellor.

Mr Coleman finally finished talking and he opened the door and lead her out, Bonnie walked through the door and noticed Dustin was still sitting there patiently, he looked up,

"you finally ready Sir?" Dustin spoke confidently as he stood up, Bon lifted her eyebrows as a reaction to what he just said to the principal and was unsure of how he would take that,

"Dusty, Dusty. I am ready for you now" the principal spoke with a smirk and an underlying hint of humour and sarcasm in his voice, Dustin walked towards him with a warm smile and laughed, Mr Coleman patted him on the back and they both walked into the office. Bonnie stood there for a second, not understanding what just happened, you would think a student couldn't quite joke around like they just did but hey Bonnie doesn't know anything about actual schools, let alone high schools so she continued on.

Bonnie made her way to her first class, which was Spanish. She was a couple of minutes late, but the teacher let her go for being new, also looked like he couldn't be bothered doing any more than what he was paid to do but it didn't phase bonnie either way as she sat down at the back of the classroom. To her left was a boy who was sketching in his book and to her right was a girl wearing a green and white cheerleading dress, she had blonde hair and looked rather distracted by her thoughts. Bonnie always stayed clear of the cheerleaders whenever she saw them in town, and always had the feeling she was getting judged by them from afar.

Bonnie looked up to the front as the teacher began the class.

After her first two classes, the lunch bell rang and everyone made their way to the cafeteria.

Bonnie pushed open the doors and the place was crowded already, tables lined up next to each other and already filled with students, she noticed one table were all wearing the same green and white jacket just like the girl she was sitting next to in Spanish was, she knew that they'd be from the school's basketball team, Bon heard all the girls talking about them through the halls and in class.

his sweetheart // Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now