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Ever since Billy died in the mall fire, life hasn't been the same for Bonnie, she relives that moment she found out that Billy's body was being carried out in a black body bag, her heart sinking to the bottom of her chest, tears forming before falling down her face.

Just like her mother, Bonnie turned to drugs and fell into a pretty rough period of her life. A couple of months after Billy's passing she overdosed and was taken to hospital where she stayed a couple of nights and was told to go see someone after she was released, she thought it was a stupid idea at the time but every couple of weeks she would get this vision of Billy, a vision that was so clear and felt so real to the point that only drugs could help her. Once the visions became more regular she found herself enrolling at Hawkins High School where she could go see Ms Kelley the guidance counsellor.

That brings us to the present.

"you got any cigs spare Bon?" Kristy's croaky voice snapped Bonnie back into reality as she sat up from the couch that she fell asleep on last night, Bon rolled her eyes in response,

"nup, I'll get some today" she stood up and noticed her box of cigarettes fall out of her pocket, she looks quickly to her mom who was in the next room looking through the cupboards to find spare change, and she picks up the box swiftly and places them back in her pocket. She walks around the circular dining table that was covered with old newspapers, rubbish and a bowl of rotten and mouldy fruit that had been sitting there for weeks.

The creaky door swung open and Kevin stepped inside the house, his odour burning through Bonnie's nose.

"Morning sweetheart-" he says with a smirk as he kisses Bon's mom on the lips, "-you got any cigs around kid?" Kevin walks into the kitchen with Bonnie standing by the sink filling up a glass of water,

"No," she says blatantly, he scoffs under his breath and sits down at the table and opens one of the newspapers and starts reading.

"So I won't be back till round' four today" Bon decides to mention even though they wouldn't even realise if she went missing, Kristy walks in from the room she was in,
"huh? what are you doing?" she asks with a disgusted voice and face,

"seriously? I told you 2 days ago that it's my first day of school today, actual school" Bonnie's attitude spikes up and she goes to empty the water from her cup and knocks her jacket pocket and of course, her packet of cigarettes falls out and land on the floor by her feet.

she pauses knowing they have noticed, with her back facing both of them, she heard Kevin's chair slide out from under him and his footsteps getting closer to her, he bent down and picked up the box of cigs and scoffed.

"you told me you didn't have any and then you speak to your mother like that?" his voice getting angrier with each word that drunkenly fell out of his mouth, he pulls her till she was facing him and within a couple of seconds, he swiftly formed a fist and threw a punch to her right eye causing her to hit the ground, she stayed there a while holding her right side of her face, Kevin then pulled out a cigarette from her box and placed it in his mouth and then chucked it to Kristy.

They both leave the house as they lit their cigarettes, Bon stood up and wiped her eyes, getting rid of the tears from the impact of the hit and then goes into her bedroom.

She opened her cupboard and chucked on some blue denim baggy jeans, a large grey t-shirt and black converse and she grabbed her bag and headed out of her house.

Bon had gotten used to the abuse, the pain was still the same and depended on the situation but it's become so regular to her that she just allows it, she knows it's not right but she wasn't strong enough to fight back, not yet.

Bon picks up her bike that was lying in the driveway full of leaves and rubbish, she hops on and starts riding down the road towards Hawkins High.


AN :

Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of Eddie content but I promise it's coming, everything that I'm writing at the moment all links up and will make sense soon! It's important to understand all the details before Eddie comes into the story.

But good news, he's coming in the next couple chapters! (The chapters are short so it really isn't long till he's here)

enjoy x

- A

his sweetheart // Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now