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"Oh um yeah well there's a problem, we don't know where he is exactly" dustin awkwardly smiles, "I mean he's usually here by now but-"

"He's probably sucking up to Mr. Klingbells ass to give him a C so he doesn't fail" Gareth says with a slight chuckle and Dustin just nods his head with a smile,

"He should be here soon" Dustin suggests for Bon to wait with them, she fakes a smile and suggests something else,

"Could we have a chat alone for a minute" Bonnie asks him and walks away from the table and Dustin follows, they stop as they reach the cafeteria wall, people pass by with their trays of food.

"Yeah?" He questions,

"A friend suggested to ask you if you knew where Eddie was, said that Eddie sells" she asks,

Dustin looked confused at first but then it clicked and he remembered,
"I'll let him know that your wanting to buy but go to the table in the woods after school and he'll probably be waiting there" he says with a smile, like he was proud of himself that he remembered what to say, by the sounds of it I'm pretty sure Eddie made sure that Dustin says that whenever he gets asked this question.

"Dustin?" Bon asks, waiting to see if he remembers that Bon is new and has no idea that the 'bench in the woods' was even a thing.

"What?" His smile lessens,

"That was great and all but you forgot one thing, I'm new, I got lost in the building before and I'm expected to find a bench... in the woods..." Bon chuckles at the sound of that,

"Oh right, my bad. Okay so once the bell goes, head to the back of the school and walk across the track oval towards the woods, you'll see a path at the start but it got wrecked with all the rain... whatever, start there and keep going forward until you reach the bench, got it?" He asks, bon nods her head,

"Thanks dusty" she smiles as she starts to head over back to Heather,

"You can sit with us if you want?" Dusty says quickly before it was too late, Bon stops and turns around, and looks at the table full of boys who were watching her every move, and smiled as they noticed she was looking at them, except one.

The short dark haired boy with the sharp cheekbones, he looked rather mad. It didn't worry her though,

"I would but my bags and stuff are over with heather" she gave a little wave to dusty and she turned around and walked back to her table.

"How was that? Took ya' time" heather laughed as Bon sat back down,

"Eddie wasn't over there so Dustin told me to go to the bench in the woods after school today and that Eddie will be there waiting"

"Like that's not creepy at all, hope you don't get murdered by Eddie the freak Munson" Heather replies with a silly voice, making it understood she was only joking,

"Heather! You can't say that to someone who's about to meet up someone for drugs" Bon and heather both laugh, and then Bon gets serious,

"But you don't think Eddie is like actually capable of that right, like what you said, he is called 'Eddie the freak Munson' after all" Bon asks with a hint of concern,

"I mean you never know but I'm sure you'll be fine, cmon let's go find your locker and stop worrying about your drug deal" she says standing up and picking up Bons bag off the floor,

Bon says nothing but a smile and stands up and they both made their way out of the hall and starts looking for her locker.

As they walked they started talking about heather and her two older brothers, and that's why she's so loud and out there, it's normal for her to just say whatever comes to her mind. Bon found it quite interesting coming from an only child.

"Here you are, locker 86" Heather says lightly punching the locker,
"I'm on the other side of you and a bit to the right" Heather says pointing to her locker that was half open,

Heather did the code and then unlocked the door, Bon placed her bag in the locker and double checked she had the money for Eddie after school.

A few crumpled dollars was just enough.

The bell rang for the next class and heather and Bon went their seperate ways and headed for class.


Next chapter he is here <3

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See ya soon

- A

his sweetheart // Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now