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Bonnie made her way through the crowded space and grabbed a tray from the line and paused as she looked around the room for a spare seat or table, preferably a table as she didn't want to really socialise and make small talk with people she is never going to hang out with outside of class. Her eyes scanned the room and she eventually spotted a free table. She made her way along with her tray in her hand and placed it down on the table and then sat down, she placed her bag underneath the table beside her legs and looked down at the food.

Bon picked up her fork and started poking the food, she didn't really have an appetite and the fact she couldn't quite tell what the food actually was didn't help.

"yo, you're in my spot" Bon hears a voice speak from behind her, she looks around as the girl moves from behind her and around the table to the opposite seat, Bon didn't know if she was being serious or not, if it was an actual thing that people had designated seats in the cafeteria, I mean it does make sense, looks like the basketball team have their designated table so.

"am I? I didn't kno-" Bon started to collect her things to move,

"I'm only playin' sit back down," the girl says with a grin and a laugh as she as well sits down and places her tray of food opposite Bonnie. She had light brown curly hair that reached her shoulders and dark brown eyes, she was wearing a washed-out crop and denim shorts with a black belt, and she had a rather cheeky smirk that didn't seem to disappear.

"so, you must be new?" she spoke taking a bite from her apple as she waited for bons answer,

"is it that obvious?" Bon replied with an awkward laugh in hopes to make a bit of light out of the embarrassment she was feeling,

"I mean you were sitting by yourself, you thought you had to move when I came over and you have your bags and shit beside your feet and not in your locker" she sat there quietly and tapped my bag with her foot twice with a grin and a hint of humour in her voice, bon could sense she had a very sarcastic sense of humour,

"so really how could it be any more obvious is the question, got it." they both share a laugh, Bon found it easier to talk to this girl than before,

"I'm Heather, lovely to be of help for your first day here at the wonderful and exciting Hawkins high" she reaches forward and puts her hand out to shake,

"it's Bonnie and thank you" she spoke with a very sarcastic undertone when she thanked heather for showing us this exciting fortress.

15 minutes go by and Bon managed to eat a few things on the tray, she knew she could just wait until she got home and made something from whatever was in the kitchen. Heather mostly talked about Hawkins High and the teachers to try and stay clear.

Heather picks up her apple core and throws it from her seat into the bin, she misses.

"so, this may be a really random question" Bon openly asks and heather moves forward in her seat, giving Bon her full attention to the question,

"hit me, what's up?" she asks,

"who would I go see to get some drugs around here, like weed for instance," She asks with each word getting quieter in hopes that she might not hear in case she just asked the wrong person.

"you say weed?" Heather asks, rather loudly but didn't seem to affect her, Bon noticed Heather was quite confident, and maybe didn't understand the use of whispering,

Bon nods in response, and heather looks around the cafeteria room like she's searching for someone, her eyes scanning each table and her lit up when she spotted someone.

"You know Dustin Henderson? Go ask him" she suggests and a wave of confusion hit Bonnie's face causing her to furrow her eyebrows at her answer,

"As in Dustin with the curly brown hair, and has a bit of a lisp. He sells drugs?" Bon asks back to heather, but heather just laughs in her seat,

"Oh god no, he's like super close with Eddie, I don't know they play like some sort of fantasy game together but yeah ask him"

"Eddie? Eddie who?" Bon asks trying to get more details about who she's potentially buying drugs from.

"Eddie Munson, more known around here as Eddie the freak Munson" Bon scrunched up her face at heathers word,

"Why does he get called that?"

"I don't really know actually, he's a bit of an outcast as people see him, sells drugs and doesn't really get along with most people" she shrugs her shoulder,
"anyway you should find Dustin sitting over at the table over there" heather sits up and points over her shoulder.

Bonnie stood up and spots Dustin and makes her way over, there was one free spot at the head of the table next to Dustin, she sits down and catches Dustin and the other boys by surprise,

"son of a bitch" Dustin says out of shock and looks over to Bon, "hey what are you doing?" He shrugs his shoulder in confusion as he looked around the table at his friends that all had the same confused look on their faces,

"ok seen as Dustin won't introduce me and this is getting awkward, I'm Bonnie" she says rather quickly to get it over with before she can talk about why she's really over there.

"My bad, Bonnie this is Mike, Gareth and Jeff and Eddie is somewhere but we don't know where" Dustin says with a smile,

The boys just nodded their head as their name was called with same expression on their face, confusion.

"Lovely. Anyways I'm actually looking for Eddie"



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his sweetheart // Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now