Chapter 46

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Sairah wasn't really down for the whole school thing the following day.

"So, so far you've gotten your English semester assignment, they've given you the dates for major assessments in your majors and I know you won't necessarily need to but have you started forming bonds? Making connections with the big brains at your university?" Her grandfather spoke to her over breakfast. They had someone to prepare the meals for them at this house.

"Oh be quiet Johnathan. She doesn't need to mingle with those beneath her," Michelle had been on a high since the Sairah uni arc started. She wished things would just fast forward so she could get all the money she bet from her friends. Some people want to back out. Cowards. That just proved they were intimidated by Sairah's intellect.

"Michelle don't be that way. Uni isn't only about being the best and upstaging those who claim to be the most brilliant." The grandfather directed a hand towards their granddaughter. "It's also about making valuable connections that will surely benefit you later in life. What if Sairah's business needs a-a . . . an animation specialist to take her work to the next level? Someone she went to school with might jolly well be of use. They'd be happy to help her if she was kind to them while they studied together," he smiled at the young lady.

Sairah was having trouble clearing her plate. "Want me to make friends?" she asked without much character.

"I certainly believe it will prove useful in the future." Jonathan said. "And plus, this should be easy for you. You're beautiful, brilliant . . . I'd say kind but you've got to work on that." He waved his hand around. "Beauty cancels that out. Gorgeous people can get away with anything."

"Brian believes that the boy who placed under you at A-levels may be a problem for you but I highly doubt." Michelle took a sip of her tea and sat back. "What was his name again? George Jones? Have you spoken to him yet Sairah? Wait. Wasn't he near us during orientation?" She had been given photos of all the possible threats. Possible is in quotes by the way. She was certain that her granddaughter would have no problem- "Are you through with your meal already Sairah?"

Sairah had just stood up. "Yeah. I'm done." She tried to bring the half-filled plate to the sink but someone took it from her before she could. "Oh thanks . . ." how odd? She was used to living with security but maids and butlers were new. "What were you saying about making friends and George Jones? What kinda name is that?" She laughed. "Imagine having a name that makes your initials JJ. George- hey that sounds familiar." She rubbed her chin. "That f*ck?"

"Language Sairah." Jonathan said. "Have you already formed a rivalry with him?"

"No he just . . . I haven't seen him since I officially started but he was at orientation calling me an idiot. Seemed like a total pain in the ass." She chugged down the rest of her juice.

"Was he the reason you started raising your voice?" Michelle could barely recall.

"Yeah. That was him." Sairah got her bag onto her back. "When am I gonna be able to drive myself to school? What? You people scared I might crash? Yeah Oxford is different from where I lived before but I think I have the route memorized . . ." she did not. "Okay no I don't but . . . I'm only gonna remember it if I practice people."

"Isn't being driven easier than having to drive?" Michelle asked.

Sairah thought briefly of all the different buildings and places around this humongous city. And the school. Ayiyi. "Why's the school a f*cking country on its own?" She folded her arms. "Makes shit like ten times harder than it needs to be."

"Someone sounds grumpy. Is the size of the school a problem?" Her grandfather asked.

"I just said it makes things hard. I've got to be like some sort of athlete to get from one point to the next when my classes are back to back. When I get there they've usually already started and I take a second to f*cking tune in," Sairah sighed and appeared uncaring again. "Whatever. Guess I'll get used to it." She walked to the stairs. "You guys know anybody who can start turning my old neighbourhood into a functioning place on its own? Jade texted me about it last night." She stopped on the first step. "We'll be visiting next week on the weekend."

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