Chapter 4: Team Activity

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Yang and Blake looked at each other for a second, uncertain about the idea of Weiss making preparations for a team activity. After the whole mess with the study session, they had started to doubt the ideas the white-haired girl had.

However, a certain redhead seemed to be more than willing to let Weiss decide the way they would spend the day.

"Alright, I think that settles it then," Ruby said. "Since no one seems to have any better ideas, I think it might be a good idea to go with what our leader has planned. By the way, what is your idea for our Team Day?"

"That's a secret, but I will assure that you will all enjoy it," Weiss answered with a smirk. "However, in return for the Team Day I have planned for you all, I hope that you could show some appreciation by joining my study sessions from now on."

Neither Yang nor Blake were fully convinced yet. The fact that the heiress had made preparations for their team activity in order to get them to join her horrible study sessions was causing alarm bells to ring in their heads like crazy. Not to mention, they didn't even know what Weiss had planned served as a warning sign.

Then again, they weren't exactly obligated to join her study sessions even if they went along with what their white-haired teammate had planned. In other words, it seemed like it was a win-win situation.

"Alright, we'll consider joining your study sessions from now on, depending on what kind of an activity you have planned for us," Yang finally replied to Weiss' offer. "However, whatever you're planning better be good, alright?"

"Oh, trust me. You are certainly going to enjoy it," the heiress said with a big smile. She then got up from her bed and walked to the bathroom. "Now that we have all agreed on what we'll be doing, I guess it's time we all got ready for the day. We need to leave soon, if we want to be on time."

After Weiss had closed the bathroom door, both Blake and Yang turned their attention towards Ruby, hoping to get some answers from their youngest teammate.

"Ruby, do you have any idea what she might be planning?" Yang asked her sister. "While I did say that I would give whatever she was planning a chance, I can't help but feel a bit skeptical about it. Do you think she has planned anything fun for us?"

"Hard to say. This is the first time she has told me anything about any plans she has for our Team Day," the former leader answered with a shrug. "All I know is that I'm going to make some preparations, just in case things go wrong."

The two older girls wondered what Ruby might have been talking about, but didn't ask about it. After all, they were just going out to the city to have a good time. What's the worst that could happen?

Some time later, the members of team RWBY were in the city of Vale, ready for whatever Weiss had planned for them. The heiress had led her teammates around the city and eventually arrived at their destination, which was an opera house. She had actually reserved tickets for all four members of the team to go see one of the shows they were going to perform. There were a lot of different people coming to the opera house, but none of them looked like team RWBY's members at all, as they wore clothes that were clearly expensive, and the people also walked around in a manner that told everyone of their higher class.

"Well, what do you guys think?" Weiss asked her teammates with a proud smile on her face. "I told you that you guys would enjoy what I had planned for you! We are going to be watching one of the greatest opera shows ever made! Doesn't that get you just excited?"

However, instead of the eager cheers and compliments that she had expected to get, all the white-haired girl received was silence in response. She looked at her teammates and noticed that they didn't seem all that excited. Ruby seemed to be completely indifferent, which was the most positive reaction Weiss had managed to get from her three teammates. While Blake seemed to be nothing but unsure and skeptical, Yang was staring at the opera house in what seemed to be pure horror. The blonde looked like she was witnessing some sort of a tragedy right in front of her eyes.

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