Chapter 120: When You're Older

Start from the beginning

Fortunately, it was lowkey, otherwise it would have turned into an extremely ugly scene.

"I think <When You're Older> is quite textured." Li Meilan said to Shen Jintai: "I originally thought it was a youth romance film, but recently I found that Sun Sihai has good control. The filming process was very delicate and there's a lot of rooms for the actors to play. Let's try to win an award by relying on this film."

It should be a shoo-in for best actor and best newcomer. The only competition though would be Bai Qingquan.

However, for this kind of dual protagonist film, both actors must have equal strengths. She felt Bai Qingquan had made a qualitative leap with this movie. Movie filming was more grinding than drama as one shot had to be done n number of times. Despite coming from a TV drama background, Bai Qingquan was able to flourish and became even more proficient when he leapt over to the big screen. If he can have this kind of talent, he'll surely be rewarded by god.

However, Li Meilan felt that Shen Jintai was better when it comes to acting. Bai Qingquan's acting was stable, while Shen Jintai showed more range than when he was in The East Palace.

Shen Jintai's facial features were not as delicate as Bai Qingquan, but he has a face that was naturally suitable for the big screen. It was especially good-looking and textured when taking close-ups, as it details his every smile, laugh, and frown. In addition, his acting skills were more restrained, a little more visceral, so it's naturally more suitable for the big screen.

Li Meilan felt that the roles the two picked were just right. Yu Nuo's emotions were more outgoing with more crying and explosive scenes while Luo Wensheng rarely cries, as his feelings were held in, and his emotions were expressed through micro-expressions.

As the two of them film more, the more emotion they felt. It seems that the director was wise for choosing to leave the most intimate and explosive scenes for last.

When the old age parts of <When You're Older> was filmed, all the tear-jerking scenes came. Bai Qingquan would cry every time he confronted Shen Jintai.

Luo Wensheng had gray hair early. He diagnose with an illness the year before and had started to forget things. Despite having a strong physique when he was young, it could not resist the attack of time, but his strong personality persevered. He always straightens his waist whenever he walked. Even if his physical strength could no longer keep up with him, he still did all the housework. After he retired at the age of 60, he got up every day before dawn and went for a run. He had many physical problems and needed to take multiple types of medicine a day. In order to eat his meal on time, he also set an alarm on his phone as a reminder and always took his medicine on time saying he wanted to accompany Yu Nuo for another twenty years.

Twenty years for Luo Wensheng was certainly his limit, but for Yu Nuo it was but a drop for his long ageless life. After he died, he was most worried about what would Yu Nuo do. So, one day, Yu Nuo found that Luo Wensheng had stopped doing the housework. It seemed as if Luo Wensheng, who had been diligent all his life, suddenly gave up.

How to change the gas, how to sort the garbage, how to solve the problem with the water pipe, how to cook a certain dish, and whatever he could think of, Luo Wensheng taught them all to Yu Nuo. Yu Nuo was very resistant at first, but Luo Wensehng had a hard heart and was unmoved. He still taught Yu Nuo, slowly, step-by-step. The things that Yu Nuo refused to learn; he would write it all down on post-it notes.

He was worried about too many things, even those that didn't need worrying. He was afraid that once he's gone, Yu Nuo couldn't do these things by himself. More and more post-it notes were posted and eventually there was no longer any room to place them. Then one day, the stubborn Yu Nuo finally relented and took the initiative and asked him how to make fish head tofu soup.

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