4- Keeping It A Secret

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he stared at me and shook his head, "Kazuichi...youve been acting...rather odd ever since...THE INCIDENT"




Gundham snaps his fingers in my face and suprise suprise! I dozzed off again.

"KAZUICHI, you seemed rather... distracted...are you sure youre feeling alright?" Gundham frowned, placing the headset on the neareast coffee table, "Gundham...im fine, just please pleasseeee~ put on the set" i pleaded, pressing the palm of my hands together as if i were begging.

He looked at me in pity and let out another sigh, "...fine" he said, grabbing the vr similar object and placed it on his head.

I clicked more buttons on the machine so i could set it up for him, and as soon as it finished setting up, i heard a beep.

that beep left gundham shocked, his arms immediantly swung around his arms as he turned his head left and right, acknowledging the entire view...he saw...the same thing i saw.

He immediantly took off the headset and stared me dead in the eyes, acting as if he wasnt scared before, he cleared his throat and started, "Kazuichi, we must inform the others on this-"


"...no?" Gundham looked confused and tilted his head, "Kazuichi...why not...? You have explained it to me but you will not allow others to learn the truth?"

"AND THATS BECAUSE I TRUST YOU GUNDHAM!! i dont want other people to know something that doesnt involve them-"

"but it does, do you not understand? This entire town is in dreadful danger"

"..." i kept quiet and just shook my head, i know that Gundham would just shut up if i stay quiet, as if i were mad, i hate having to do that, but its the only way he'll agree with me...i know that sounds bad but i just dont really think he should tell other people about it...

Gundham nodded his head as if he understood that it was meant to be kept a secret.

I looked away awkwardly and took the headset out his hands, i then placed it down on the coffee table, "dont tell anyone Gundham, its a secrrt for now until i gather more information...i promise" i spoke up, breaking the awkward atmosphere as i was moving the machine back to the corner and opening the blinds again.

"...if you insist" he said, finally deciding to move out of the spot he stayed in for over 10 minutes, he opened up the attic door and slowly walked down the latter, being extra careful with where he steps.

As soon as i tidied up the room, i exited the attic, suprisingly, i was greeted with Gundham still here at my house, he was sitting on the couch...i thought he wouldve been creeped out, but he wasnt, he actually decided to stay...

"Sooo.....what are your thoughts about the uh...situation?"

"In complete honesty, i am baffled" he chuckled softly, he seemed embarrassed to admit his feelings like that, but i think its nice..

"Baffled? What for? Do you not believe my mechanics or something?"

"Huh? No of course i do, its just..."

"Its just...?"

"...nothing, forget i have even spoken anything at all.."


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