A) Tell another one of your closest friends.

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i cant stop thinking about it, everything thats going on...its so fucked up- i cant do anything or help anyone, what do i do...oh fucking shit, i want to tell someone but i just- i just dont know what to do... should i tell someone else about it and see if they believe me, or do i shrug it off and just let people live without knowing the deepest truth...

Fuck it. I grab my cell phone and call a friend of mine, Gundham Tanaka. Me and him have been friends since the 8th grade, so i feel like i could trust him enough with the stuff thats going on in my head.

My phone rings...

Its been a few seconds...that second turned to minutes...

then finally.


"Ahem...i do apologize for the wait Kazuichi, what was it that you needed to confront me about?"

"Finally! Okay so...Gundham, you think you can come over? Like- right now??"

There was a small sigh of disbelief on the other side of the phone, but then i heard him chuckle, then he agreed.

"Yess!! Okay, thanks Gundham- oh right...but before you come over...can you maybe keep this a secret?"

"Of course, anything that you do not wish to be shared will be lost in the shadows and never spoken in public again"


I hang up the phone and wait for him to come over.

Twelve (12) minutes had passed and Gundhams finally here. He rings the doorbell and i greet him in, "Hey gundham...okay so please believe me when i say this- wait, but first im just gonna let you relax because you just got here...heh, my condolences"

"No no, go on Kazuichi, do not fret to start talk, for i will always be here and listen, my devas included as well" he said with a small smirk appearing on his face, not gonna lie, it made me happy knowing he was all ears, no matter how wild it could be...makes me feel warm...

"Ohhh okay so...basically..." i gester Gundham to follow me up to the attic of the house as i pull on the latter, me now climbing on, he follows me up.
When were both in the attic, i immediantly shut the blinds, close the attic and overall, trying to make sure no windows or anything could ever take a glance inside this room.

"Kazuichi? Are you feeling alright?" Gundham asked me politly, raising the palm of his hand to my forehead, "huh? No dude im fine, please...just please listen to me.."

I pull out a machine that could look like it was made from the doctor suess or whatever that one guys name is. The machine left Gundham in shock, his face looked impress, yet confused and worried at the same time.

He looked at the machine then back at me, "Kazuichi, what exactly...is this rather odd contraption" he spoke nearly in a whisper as if he was still processing what just happened, he was about to open his mouth to speak once again but i spoke over him "its a machine i built- instead of explaining it, how about you see for yourself"

I grabbed a headset that was nearly identical to a VR, and handed it to Gundham, and clicked a button on the machine-...but...Gundham refused to put the headset on...

he stared at me and shook his head, "Kazuichi...youve been acting...rather odd ever since...THE INCIDENT"

My mind clicked...

the incident...

i knew he didnt forget...

no one can forget such a gruesome death...


...if it was Miss Sonia...

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