Run Free

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When Yoohan received the classy, pretty, glorious version of handcuffs on his wrists some months ago, he had envisioned a life of servitude. A life of doing the weird, crazy prince's bidding. He had thought he would be following this man everywhere to fetch him things, holding his coats, running around on errands, or doing dirty deeds involving blood and whatnot. From the way the man kissed him and pressed his erection, Yoohan also had an eerie thought of having to serve him in a sexual way.

Yes, the Prince did make Yoohan follow him everywhere. But rather than telling Yoohan to serve him, the man dispatched someone to serve Yoohan instead. It felt weird, because Yoohan still couldn't get used to waking up with a piping hot coffee that wafted him into sobriety. It seemed like Alfred had told Albert about all of Yoohan's habits, including the time he'd woken up, which was just a little bit after dawn. There would always be a fresh glass of water, and a hot cup of coffee on his bedside table every morning.

With the refreshment was a small vase of fresh white flower, still dripping with dew. It would shrivel just after Yoohan came back from his morning run and exercise, gone when he came back into the room sometimes in the afternoon, and back to be filled with a fresh one every morning. How diligent must Albert be, to get a new bunch of flowers every morning at dawn, Yoohan thought. He had wanted to tell his attendant to not bother with it, but Yoohan happened to like those flowers, and the dews hanging on from the petals. He also liked the subtle refreshing scent coming out from it, almost like mint, but less sharp and more earthy. So he didn't, and just stared at the flowers every morning while sipping on his warm coffee, enjoying a short peace without thinking of anything.

Some days he'd be able to enjoy that tranquil feeling for quite a long time. On other days it'd be broken by invading kiss on his back and nape, a short 'good morning', and then the invader would be gone, leaving Yoohan dealing with a heart that beating a little faster, and a mind full of internal battle. At those times, Yoohan would run a little longer and exercise a little harder until his heart calm down. Jay hadn't been coming to his bed as much as before, but he would still do it once every few days. Yoohan had no idea when did the man sneaking into his bed, because it was always in the morning that he found out. Yoohan wasn't even sure that Jay did not come into his bed every day. Perhaps the man did, but left before he woke up. Because if there was one thing Yoohan knew about the Prince, it was that the man had a terrible sleeping arrangement; he came to bed terribly late and still woke up extremely early. When they were busy drafting the agreement back in Helmdam Fortress, the Prince even forgo sleep altogether. How the man could still function as good as he was with those kinds of unhealthy patterns, Yoohan had no idea. Perhaps some kind of magical shit, or that partial goddess's blessing or something.

And it always sent Yoohan's heartbeat into palpitation whenever he woke up with a strong arm around his waist, or a touch of lips on his nape. It felt even more embarrassing to realize that the scullery maid and Albert must have seen them like this when they came into his room. It was even more embarrassing after Albert came into the room right after their deed on the balcony's door that one time, plastered on each other, clearly looking like they just had a satisfying morning 'exercise'.

So Yoohan felt grateful that he always had a busy day ahead of him, to rid of his chaotic mind. He didn't like the idea of studying—whatever Jay wanted him to study for—at first. He still didn't like it now, but at least it help him concentrate on something more rather than thinking about Jay all day like a boy having their first crush or something. Although, doing the studying in the library that was connected to Jay's office was not quite helpful in his effort.

"Do you want to do this in the room next door instead?" Rion looked sternly at Yoohan, sounding every bit like a strict teacher Yoohan had in his middle school.

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