Fortress of Seduction (2)

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"Enjoy your room," he said. So Yoohan now slept peacefully in his own bedroom.

Or so he thought.

Because just on the second day, just after one night of peaceful, undisturbed morning, Yoohan found Jay on his bed. Again. Waking up with a tight hold on his waist and a nuzzling face on his nape. Yoohan groaned, and snapped awake, climbing down hastily from his bed and looking around.

Yep, still his room at the tower.

And then he looked down. At the man that just woken up because of Yoohan's frenzy smacking on his barrier. Jay was casually rolling on his back, yawning and stretching. Seeming so at ease like the bed belong to him.

No, well, this whole place did belong to him.

But that's not the point!

"Such aggressive morning greeting you have."

"You! Why are you here again?"

The Prince just leaned back on the stack of pillows, all in his bare chest glory; solid muscle and wide, inviting pecs for Yoohan to feast upon. His voice was low and sultry from waking up. "Obviously because I want to sleep with you."

The man said it like it was the easiest thing to understand in the world, which only made Yoohan fuming. Jay was basically saying that if Yoohan didn't want to sleep on his bed, then he'd be the one coming into Yoohan's bed.

So what was the point of having his own, separate bedroom then?

"Why are you so...hell-bent on sleeping with me?" Yoohan sighed. Even if it was lust, is there a need to share a bed every night just to sleep?

Though it wasn't like Yoohan wanted to cater to that lust too.

Jay casually rolled on the bed, messing up the blanket even more. "I can't sleep well without your presence. Don't you pity me, darling?"

"Not with you keep calling me that!" Yoohan hissed, to which Jay just laughed languidly.

"You're asking such a boring question when I already laid my intention bare in front of you." Jay propped his elbow on the stack of pillows, watching Yoohan wear his night robe with squinting eyes. "Isn't it more intriguing to question how you act instead?"

"My act?" Yoohan looked as if Jay had just said the most ridiculous thing.

"Yes. Like why are you so averse to receiving pleasure? You were so ready to have me on that banquet night," Jay smiled deeply at the blush that crept on Yoohan's cheek, "...and then you completely avoided it after that."

Yoohan turned his face away, looking at anything but Jay. The blush was not fading at all.

"And it's not like you don't want to." Jay tilted his head, eyes never leaving Yoohan and the changing expression on the younger's face. "It's like you purposefully not allowing yourself to chase the pleasure even if you crave for it."

Yoohan stood up and turned his head so Jay couldn't see him biting on his lips.

"Is it because of guilt?"

Yoohan snapped his head back to look at Jay, who already sat at the edge of the bed, staring at him with a chill gaze. "Are you treating this abstinence of happiness as a redemption?"

Yoohan felt his breath caught in his throat. It was always like this with Jay, Yoohan thought. As if the man could see him. Exposed him. After staring at each other for a while, Yoohan turned his gaze away, walking towards the balcony door.

"It's none of your business."

"Of course it is." Jay retorted easily. "It hinders you from accepting your feelings for me."

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