it's messy life/court day

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So Logan Lee has been charge for many things murder, kidnapping and many other things.

But my mother also went to prison because Bae Rona mother set her up and because she has to face what she did. I was sad but I knew it would come one day.

Ever since that happened Rona stayed in my hospital and Seok-hoon hasn't left her side. It hurts me seeing him happy with her but at least he's happy with someone he dearly loves.

Well everything is a mess for Hera palace they got scammed and they tried to run away but it didn't work out.

Bae Rona mom admitted to killing Min Seol A, so the case is open again Mrs Kang, Mr Lee and Mrs Go had been taken away for a questioning.

Junghwan and I moved out from our old place, we would be orphans but we 19 so we are adults. I bought us an apartment in Hera palace level 79.

Yes I was rich enough I used the money my old parents left me. They each had more than 50 million. Plus my dad gave me his hospitals when he left this world.

Ms Jin adopted Eunbyeol, eomma and appa are in prison. Me and Junghwan are trying to live happy and forget everything.

But today we went to go see our parents in court with the other kids. We went to go sit by Mrs Shim and Bae Rona.

Minhyeok and Jenny's parents were calling out for them asking if they ate or how they were.

Our parents were asking us a bunch of questions we couldn't answer because the judge came in.

"Everyone stand up!"

Everyone stood up when the judges sat down we all were ask to sit down.

"Your honor I'd like to bring Ms shim Su Ryeon as a witness" a lady said.

When Ms shim came in Jenny's mom was first to walk over to her and yell at her then Minhyeok parents followed along.

"On your way of the incident, on your way down in the elevator you witness someone pushing min Seol A off right?" The lady asked.

"And that person is Oh Yoon-hee is that correct?"

"Yes that's correct" Mrs Shim replied.

That's when everyone was shocked and started to say stuff so the judge had to quiet everyone down.

"Oh Yoon-hee pushed my daughter Seol A from the 47th floor... I saw it clearly" Mrs Shim added.

"You really did it?!" Minhyeok mom yelled. "This is insane"

"It is not insane, it totally makes sense. I knew it" Minhyeok dad replied to his wife. "It's unfair to treat this murderer the same as us" Seok-kyung dad yelled out.

"You shouldn't compare us to this evil villain who killed someone so young as her daughter" Jenny's mom also yelled. "Your-your honor if you want to stone someone you should stone her" Jenny mom pointed at Bae Rona mom.

"What did we do wrong tell me?!" She yelled once again.

"She killed a person and got her daughter into school in her place. She even moved into the apartment where the victim Min Seol A lived in she even started a war for her property several times it's value. She should get an increase sentence" Minhyeok dad reasoned.

"If you have any shame say something oh Yoon hee" my mom yelled "you acted like you were best friends with min Seol A birth mom do you have an honest bone in your body?!"

"Keep it down, will you?" The judge said. "If you cause a scene again I'll kick you out of the courtroom"

"Joo Dan tae do you admit the charges?" The lady asked. "I did not move the victims body or set her home on fire you shouldn't take a muderers word for it and treat us like criminals" Mr Joo said.

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