I'm back and better

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It's been about a year in New York, I made lots of new friends and memories. Well it will have to come to an end because I have to go back to Korea like I promised everyone.

But my mom is engaged to Seok twins father.

I am now going back, I haven't told anyone when I was coming back so it's going to be a surprise.

Me and Junghwan got to Korea.

We went to go see my mom first and my sister. I rang in the doorbell, the door quickly opened to a Eunbyeol "junghwa!" She screamed in excitment "Eunbyeol!" I yell we got hugged each other.

"I'm here too" Junghwan said. "I see that but junghwa js my favorite sibling" she said pulling me inside.

When I saw my mom I greeted her she looked shocked but happy.


Me and Junghwan went in the elevator to Jenny's floor I was going to surprise Minhyeok later.

Well when we got here I see Minhyeok and Jenny... Minhyeok had Jenny pinned the on the wall trying to kiss her but Jenny kept yelling for him to stop he didn't but was really rude to her.

I watched them shocked quickly closing the door so he didn't see us. Look at junghwan to see if he saw what, he did.

I was about to cry just Junghwan comforted me. "It's going to be okay you can break up with him. I'll deal with his ass" he said angrily.

I was crying in his shoulder than something hit me I look at him with tears in my eyes "I have an idea but let's wait a bit" I said.


I got cleaned up so seok twins didn't think of anything we went to their place.

When the Mrs Yang opened the door, she called down then.

When they came down they stood there eyes widen. "Seok-kyung" I opened my arms out she ran to me and hugged me "ah it's only been a year you look like you haven't seen me for a decade"

Seok-hoon also gave me a hug. "Does nobody miss me?" I hear Junghwan says.

Seok-kyung let go of me to go hug Junghwan "you dumbass of course nobody misses you" me and Seok-hoon laugh at her comment.

We spend the whole saying talking about the places we went.

"Guys guy!" Junghwan said we all look at him he showed us his phone and my mom and seok twins dad were engaged?!

I gasp "what the hell"


I got out of the car with Eunbyeol, we quickly went into the school.

Everyone was shocked that me and Junghwan we're back. I waved and smiled at everyone when we got in the classroom her friends started to baby her "hey Eunbyeol"

"Give me your bag it must be heavy" she said taking off her bag. "My dad bought me this chocolate eat it while you study" another girl said giving her a box of chocolate.

She had a desk full of items.

Well Jenny and Minhyeok walked in "junghwa, Junghwan!" Jenny yelled. She ran to my side and hugged me I hugged her back of course, I don't hate her I hate Minhyeok.

"Junghwa, junghwa your back why didn't you tell me." Minhyeok said he came over to me and gave me a kiss, disgusting.

I acted happy to see him again. "Let's go walk around?" I asked Junghwan and he agreed we walked near the stairs hearing a couple of people gossip about my mom's new engagement.

"Here they come" eunwoo said to Seok twins. "Unbelievable your father announced his engagement today" he said.

I walked up behind him "move two sided bitch" he moved and I stood by seok twins. I called eunwoo two sided because remember when he threw trash at us and called us rude names yeah all the sudden he's nice.

"Seok-kyung how does it feel to become sisters with Eunbyeol? Who will be the big sister?" He laughed "who says we're sister that's disgusting the only sister I will have is Junghwa" she replies

"What's disgusting about it?" I hear Eunbyeol say. She walked towards us "do you hate my family that much?" Eunbyeol said "I couldn't be happier to be sisters with you"

Then she walked away "is she out of her mind?!" Seok-kyung said getting mad. "Calm down" Seok-hoon said to her.

I walked away from seok twins because I see Bae Rona getting bullied she pushed her down. I quickly walked to them "Yah! Don't you guys have anything better to do then bully her?" I yelled it sounded like I was saying why waste your time bullying her so it didn't sound like I was helping her.

She called agreed and walked away. "Thank you" Bae Rona quietly said but it just walked away.


Later Mr Mu told us to meet at this fancy restaurant during school hours. I sat by Seok-kyung on my right and Junghwan on my left while Minhyeok was Infront of me siting next to Seok-hoon. They served us drinks and food that probably costed over a hundred dollars.

"Is everyone here?" Mr Mu said slamming his bag on the table. "Yes but there's a extra person here why is eunwoo here?" I asked mad.

"I invited him here so be nice" Mr Mu said and I tched at his words. "you guys will be seniors next year the Seoul national university prep course starts today come back here after school also" he pulled out papers from his bag and gave it to everyone.

"Here are competitions that you can write about in your student record and cover letter later, I've prepared a plan so that the prizes can be fairly distributed amoung you, they're organized by the school under directors protection. You guys just have to do what I say" he stated.

"Now go to your seats and start filling out application" he snapped his fingers and we went to the study area and started to fill out our applications.

I couldn't think what else to right on my application so I looked around the classroom bored until I saw Seok-hoon staring at me.

I look at him and he quickly looked away.


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