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I woke up 2 days later.

But the thing is I couldn't remember who pushed bae Rona that day I only remember me trying to save her then me getting hurt.

I got released for the hospital a day after my friends have been visiting.

I was supposed to be asleep but I couldn't. The door bell rang and Ms Ko opened it. I heard footsteps going to Eunbyeol room.

I walked out of my bedroom making sure not to wake up Junghwan.

I went to Eunbyeol room "I wanted to ask you something" it was Bae Rona mother. "Junghwa what are you doing awake your supposed to be asleep" Mrs Jin said trying to get me back to bed. "I couldn't sleep and I want to see what's going on" I said quietly.

"Did you see Rona just before the announcement?" She asked Eunbyeol.

Eunbyeol took a deep breath "No I didn't" she didn't look at Bae Rona mom.

"They said only the 3 of you weren't in the dressing room" Mrs Oh pulled out a picture to show Eunbyeol. "Where were you?"

"I wasn't feeling well so I was in the infirmary" Eunbyeol replied "really?"

She grabbed on Eunbyeol arm "you saw Rona didn't you?"

"Mrs Oh stop" I said going in the room. She looked at me then back to Eunbyeol "tell me the truth"

"What happened between you two?! Tell me the truth now!" Bae Rona mother yelled and my mom came just in time. "What are you doing!" My mom yelled.

"What are you doing to a sick girl?!" My mom pulled bae Rona mother awah from Eunbyeol.

I went to Eunbyeol side to try to stop her from freaking out.

"Why Is Eunbyeol sick?" Oh Yoon hee asked.

"Mwo?!" My mom said "they used that as an excuse to avoid police questioning that's why I came to ask her myself" then she turned about Eunbyeol"ha Eunbyeol answer me! You saw Rona that day didn't you? Tell me the truth!" She yelled.

Eunbyeol couldn't reply because she was shaking really hard "stop harassing my daughter and get out of here now!" My mom yelled pulling her, trying to get her out.

"I know you're lying! Tell me what you did to Rona!" She continued to yell as she was getting dragged out by my mom.

From all this screaming and yelling my brother ran to Eunbyeol's room. Watching bae Rona's mother getting dragged out. But she didn't get dragged out.

Bae Rona mother managed to get off my mom's grip. "Are you going down the list and suspecting all the kids here?!" My mom said.

My brother went into Eunbyeol room and locked the door so Bae Rona's mom wouldn't come in and try to harm Eunbyeol. "Are you guys okay?!" My brother said.

I nodded but Eunbyeol looked scared.

We listen as the adults argued "first Seok-kyung now Eunbyeol?!" My mom yelled "Seok-kyung has a solid alibi" Mrs Oh said.

"The only person without an alibi is your daughter"

"That's for the police to decide!" My mom quickly shut her up. "Why hasn't Eunbyeol returned her dress?"

"What" Eunbyeol looked even more scared. "I went to the dress shop earlier, Eunbyeol's dress was the only one that hasn't been returned"

"Can I see it?"

"You're insane why must I show that to you?" My mom answered "you're right I'm insane, my baby is lying in the hospital like that how could I not be?! I have to see that dress. You have it don't you?"

My mom sighed "why do you think the dress has blood on it or something?" My mom questioned "you like being thorough. where's the dress!"

"Ms Jin Bring Eunbyeol dress"

"Yes ma'am" Mrs Jin knocked on the door and told us where the dress is Junghwan grabbed the dress and unlocked the door and gave it.

"Here it is" we watched as Bae Rona mother looked at the dress violently "you're delusional and paranoid why don't you spend this time looking after your child?" My mom said.

"Ms Jin our guest is leaving" my mom walked away and Bae Rona mom threw the dress on the floor.

When Mrs Oh left Junghwan got up to the door and looked me at "are you going to do back to bed?" He asked me.

"No she's staying here" Eunbyeol demanded and Junghwan agreed "if anything happens just yell and I'll come" he said and shut the door close.

"No she's staying here" Eunbyeol demanded and Junghwan agreed "if anything happens just yell and I'll come" he said and shut the door close

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