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"Kook", I turn to see Tae and Jimin walk up with their weapons. "Very nice, get into position, we are taking out the snipers first, fast and quiet, make sure they don't fall off the roof, that will give us away", I say. They nod and head out to their positions, my phone rings, the screen says unknown, "hello." "Jungkook, Namjoon is getting nervous and he's getting stupid, he keeps Jin drugged and tied up so that he can't defend himself", the person says.

"You tell Yoongi that if he wants to see his son graduate and give him grandkids one day he needs to get rid of the guards, his four snipers on the roof are about to die". I say. "Stand by, don't do anything till you hear from me", the caller hangs up and I tell Tae and Jimin to wait on my word.


I watch Jin sleep, I didn't think it was possible for someone to get more beautiful as they get older but he does it, in a perfect world he would have been mine. I feel my phone vibrate, "hello." "Kook says he will spare your life if you get rid of the guards, he has sights on the four on the roof", Hobi says sounding worried, "that's our son up there Yoongi."

"Fine, Namjoon isn't even paying attention to the guards, I will keep the two that are in here but the rest can go, after dark, tell Jungkook once the guards are gone he can enter and do what he needs to do to get Jin out of here", I say hanging up.

I lean down and kiss his lips, the only time I'll be able to and get away with it safety and it's just as I thought, sweet as honey. "I love you Seokjin, I always will, I know I fucked up but I hope one day you will forgive me and you'll be my friend again", I whisper to him. I tell my head of security to pass along that after nightfall, all the guards leave except him and Ritchie, they are to stay in this office, "you will protect Jin at all costs, if he wakes up and gets free of his binds, be prepared to defend yourself." The look at me wide eyed like i just signed their death certificates.

I walk away laughing and search for Namjoon, I find him in the cafeteria eating a piece of apple pie, "you only eat junk food when you are stressed, what's up." I sit across from him, "it's falling apart Yoon, he will never love me, no amount of drugs will make him stay with me." "Namjoon you are the smartest guy I know, whatever made you think that this was a good idea", I ask him. "I think he liked me once, a long time ago, I thought I could bring that back", he says sadly.

"Joon, you may think Jungkook is a heartless bastard who treats his husband badly but I have seen them together in their home and I have never known a man more in love with husband than Jungkook, they have been together for 20 plus years and he still looks at him like he holds the galaxy in his hands, you wont ever break them apart and I won't lie to you Joon, the outcome of this isn't going to be good, I know that Jungkook is out there right now plotting your demise and probably mine too", I run my hands my hands thru my hair.

"Fuck Namjoon, I love you like my own brother, we grew up together, why did you do this, why did you put Jungkook in this position", I stand up shaking my head. When I walk back into Namjoon's office I see the door to Jin's room open, I look in to to see one of my guards on the floor and the other fighting for his life, "Jin stop, let him go." I pull his feet apart, releasing my guard, "he killed Ritchie, snapped his neck with his feet, with his feet." "Get him out of here", I tell him. "Was that necessary", I look at Jin.


I pout, "I was still out of it and he was touching me, when I realized my feet were free I grabbed him and snapped his neck, I didn't mean to do it, it's a reflex." "Seokjin, how can you be so fucking cute after just killing someone, damn you are killing me, I hope Jeon knows what a lucky son of bitch he really is", Yoongi says.

"I'm tired Yoongi, he keeps pumping me full of drugs, my body is wearing out", I say. He sits next to me on the bed and pushes the hair off my forehead, "Jungkook will be coming for you tonight, he told Hobi that if I get rid of the guards and let him come in, he would spare my life, do you think he means it."

"He does, he doesn't say it if he doesn't mean it, Hobi huh, when did you two start talking again, does Jimin know", I ask. "No he doesn't, and let's keep it that way, I like my balls where they are right now, you are the only one who knows that Hobi and I were together, you look sad", he says taking my hand. "I'm happy I am finally getting out of here and back home to my family but why did Namjoon have to do this, he knew the consequences", I say, "why are you involved."

"Seokjin, he had my father killed", Yoongi says. "He did what, when, why didn't you tell me, Yoongi you know I adored your father, like he was my own, why did I not hear about this", I say visibly upset. He holds me to him, rubbing my back, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I think that's why I didn't, you would have wanted details and I couldn't tell anyone for fear that your evil ass would have gotten to Namjoon before me", he says laughing. 

"You are right about that", I say sniffling, "I'm so sorry Yoongi, I know you two were really close." "I need my revenge Jin and I am sorry that I had to use you to get it but when he came to me with this stupid plan, I took advantage", Yoongi says standing, "it's almost nightfall, just stay here and dont make a fuss, Jungkook will be here soon." 

My heart skips a beat when he says that, I miss him so much and my Nicholas, Yoongi shuts the door and locks it that's when I notice the tray of food sitting on the nightstand, I grab the bottle of water and drink it, I feel so dehydrated. I poke at the food but I am just not hungry, all of a sudden the room is spinning and I feel myself falling, then darkness. 

The Prep School ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن