The Take Over

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Author POV

The three boys have been in school for about two weeks now and are getting settled in finally, Nicholas has talked to his papa every night since coming here, he misses him and worries about him being around his controlling father alone. "Hey Jax", Jagger says walking into the room, "I thought I just saw your dad going into Namjoon's office." "Why would he be here this late", Jax asks confused. The two boys shrug, "it might not have been him, I could be mistaken." "Hi papa", Nick says into the iPad. "Hi Nicky, where are your cousins", Jin asks. 

They all crowd around the tablet and say hi to their uncle, "where's dad." "He isn't here, actually no one is, I got out of the tub and when I came downstairs I realized everyone was gone", Jin says. Nick was a little suspicious by that, "they all left you alone, since when does dad leave you alone." "I guess it was important and it's just one night, they will be back soon, I'm fine son, don't worry okay, I love you and I can't wait to see you this weekend, I'll make all your favorite foods", Jin says. 

"I love you Papa, I'll call tomorrow night", Nick says still not feeling right about his Papa being alone. "I love you Nicky, tell your cousins I love and miss them too", he ends the call and Nick sighs, setting the iPad down and staring out the window. He noticed headlights, a lot of headlights in the driveway of the school. He sat up, "look." His cousins got up and looked outside, noticing men dressed in camo running around the building. "What the fuck is going on", Jagger says. Nick grabs his phone and calls his dad, when Jungkook answers Nick doesn't give him time to speak, "why is Papa at home alone." They then heard Namjoon's voice over the loud speaker...

Can I have your attention please, I need all students to carefully make their way to the gymnasium, quickly please, do not bring any electronic devices with you, leave them securely in your room.

The three boys looked at each other in confusion, "what the fuck is going on." As they were walking out to go to the gym Jax heard his text tone so he ran back to check it, it was from his Uncle Jin.

UJ - On my way baby, don't worry Uncle will take care of you

What does that mean, why is Uncle Jin coming here to take care of him. He ran to catch up to his cousins, "Nick, uncle Jin just texted me he thinks something is wrong with me and is coming here." Nick looked at his cousin like he was about to kill someone, "somethings not right, why does my Appa think you need him." The boys walk into the gym to see about 25 armed men blocking the exits and Namjoon standing amongst them, Nick just glared at him, he knows Namjoon is up to something and he's going to find out what. 

"I need everyone to listen to me, the school is being taken over and we are being held hostage, I need all of you to listen to them and do as they say and none of us will get hurt", Namjoon says to the students. A big guy with a weapon pushes Namjoon toward the kids harshly, "all of you pay attention, until I get what I want, my friends and I are going to stay here, you will stay in your rooms, you will come out when we call you to eat and you will get 90 minutes outside, be warned, I have snipers on the rooftops and the perimeter is guarded by armed men, so don't try anything." 

He points to one of his men who stands in the middle of the room, "everybody stand in a big circle, good now starting with our gracious host Dean Kim and count off, we need an exact head count, twice a day you will be called back to this room and if even one of you is missing five of you will die." Nick can't believe what is happening, Jagger thinks he saw Jax's dad going into Namjoon's office, his papa is on the way here thinking Jax is sick, and his dad and uncles leave his papa alone, something his dad never does. 

As the boys walk back to their room Nick sees his Papa being pulled into Namjoon's office against his will, he ran toward him but was tackled immediately, "that's my father, LET ME GO." He fought hard but a punch to the face ends his struggle, they carry him to his room and throw him on the floor, "tell him to watch himself." "Nick, Nick wake up", Jax tries to keep it together, he's scared, his cousins have always protected him, they have always been bigger and stronger but now he has to protect Nick because Nick can be dangerous when it comes to his family, especially his papa. 

Nick starts to stir awake holding his jaw, "what a fucking asshole with his sucker punch." He sits up quickly, "where is my phone or tablet." Jagger sits across from him, "they took everything, laptops, phones, and tablets." "They even took the fucking TV's and game consoles because we can message people with them", Jax says. Nick growls, "they were man handling my Appa, he's here but against his will, they lured him here saying Jax needed him and I bet it was your dad's idea." "Why would Uncle Yoongi be part of this", Jagger asks. "I'm not sure but who else in our family knows  that Papa has a soft spot for Jax", Nick says looking out the window. 

He sees guards patrolling right outside and shuts the curtains, he climbs under his bed, moving stuff around, "what the hell are you doing." He stands up a cell phone in his hand, "you do know who my father is, I always have a back up somewhere." He plugs it in to charge, pacing while he waits, he's antsy and wants to beat some people's asses, if they hurt one hair on his Papa's head, they won't be able to identify their bodies. When the phone finally turned on he grabbed it and called his father,

"Nick you didn't let me answer earlier, you hung up on me, we were told that your papa needed help that the car had a flat, when we got to the location papa's bodyguard was dead in the front seat."

"Dad papa was home, he was taking a bath, after they tricked you and got you out of the house papa got a call from someone saying that Jax needed him so he came here, they have him dad, I saw them dragging him into Namjoon's office."

"Excuse me, what did you just say."

"Our school has been taken over, by who we have no clue, but we are certain that Namjoon and Uncle Yoongi have something to do with it"

Nicholas heard a heart wrenching scream on the other end of the phone, his heart broke and he tries to keep his tears in check, he knows that his dad can be a possessive asshole but he also knows that he loves his papa more than his own life, so to hear his father cry out, breaks Nick's heart. "We will be right there", he said thru clinched teeth. "Don't just storm the castle dad, they have guards everywhere and snipers on the roof, make a plan first, me, Jax and Jagger have the inside covered", Nick tells him. "Be careful and hide that phone, I'll be in contact", Jungkook says.

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