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My eyesight is blurry, my head still hurts and realize that I am not tied up anymore so I quickly sit up but the room spins, "calm down, you aren't going anywhere on the drugs he is using." I look up and blink a few times to see Yoongi sitting in a chair in the corner, "you fucking asshole, I take care of your son, in my house and this is what you do, I knew something felt wrong last time we spoke, fuck you Yoongi, FUCK YOU, where is Nicky and Jungkook." 

"Are you done", he says calmly. "NO FUCK YOU ", I scream. "Seokjin, I adore you, I have since high school but I am smart enough to know not to cross Jeon Jungkook unlike our idiot friend", he stands and walks to the door, stopping before opening it and without turning around says, "you and your husband will thank me for being here." As he shuts the door I throw a water glass at it.

I get up and look around, checking the door but its locked, there are no windows, I crawl on the floor and look around for a vent of some kind, nothing, "FUCK." I sit in the chair Yoongi was in, still trying to clear my head, fucker keeps drugging me, I swear if I see that syringe in his hand I am going to fucking break it. I knock on the door, "I HAVE TO PISS." 

The door opens and Yoongi points to the bathroom in Namjoon's office, when I am done and walking out I turn to say something to him but he raises his hand, I stop, he points to the room I came out of, I huff and stomp into the room slamming the door, I hear the lock click, "ASSHOLE."


"Nick has the idea of climbing thru the vents to get to Namjoon's office, I sent him a picture of the blueprints, where the entry point is, he told me there are 4 snipers on the roof, we can take them out easily, he can't get a proper count on guards in the hallways though", Jungkook says to Tae and Jimin, "he told me something, Yoongi is in there." Jimin looks at me, "excuse me." My phone rings and it's an unknown number.

"Jungkook, listen carefully, Seokjin is now aware that Yoongi is helping Namjoon, what he doesn't know is that Yoongi is there to help Jin, when this is all done it will be a free for all for Namjoon's head."

The caller hangs up and I tell Jimin and Tae what the caller said, "seriously." Jimin is livid, he and Yoongi are always at each other's throats, this is just going to make it worse. "We need to figure out a way to get rid of those snipers, Jimin have you tried contacting Yoongi", I ask. "He has me blocked, he knew as soon as I found out he had a hand in this, I'd blow up his phone", Jimin says angrily.


"Everything ready for tomorrow", I ask my cousins. "Yea, I think we are ready, you have about 8 minutes to get to the vent opening and into Namjoon's office", Jax says, "what if you run into my dad, you wont hurt him will you Nicky." "Jax of course I wouldn't hurt Uncle Yoongi, if he loves you and is any kind of father he will be outside with you", I say. He nods in agreement. 


"Hows my baby today", I say to Seokjin walking into the room. "I am not your baby so stop calling me that, why do you tie me up before you come to see me Namjoon", he says laughing, "because you know if my hands or feet were free that I would kill you in an instant." I slap him across the face, "dont disrespect me, you aren't holding any cards in this." The look on his face scares me, I know he will kill me the first chance he gets, I know that he will never love me but I can't let Jeon have him either, so maybe killing him is the best way to go, but I need to taste him first before I do.

"I have the whole fucking deck on my side Namjoon, you are weak and pathetic, you will never be as good as Jeon Jungkook and you never were, that is why I picked him over you, I am not attracted to cowards", he taunts. I punched him so hard I think I broke my hand, the chair fell backward and Jin was out cold, this is my chance, I untied him and started to undress him, "NAMJOON, dont even fucking think about it." 

I turn to see Yoongi standing in the doorway, "mind your business Yoon." He picks me up and throws me into the other room, shutting the door, "it's bad enough you kidnap Jin, Jungkook's husband, that is a death sentence by itself, but I will be damned if I allow you to defile him while he is unconscious and you better stop hitting him, if Jeon finds out, I feel sorry for you." I stood and dusted myself off, "why are you protecting him." 

"Namjoon, being here with you right now put a death sentence on my head, I have a son to think about, if I die so be it but I will not allow my son to know that I helped you rape his favorite uncle, fuck that, now cut the shit and do this right", Yoongi says, "now go, so that I can dress him and put him in bed." I glower at him, I know he's right but I just want him to love me above anyone else, even his own child. 


I felt myself being picked up and tried to struggle, "leave me alone." "Sshh Jin, it's me, I am just putting you in bed, I need to get you some ice for your eye", I hear Yoongi's voice. "I'm going to kill him Yoongi and you for betraying my family, for betraying Jimin and Jax", I whisper. "Stand in Line Jin, I am sure Jungkook and Jimin have already planned out what to do with me but I am hoping you will all hear me out when this over, then if I need to die, I will", he says placing the ice pack on my eye. I hiss, "why Yoongi, I thought we had a good relationship, you were my friend." 

He sighs, "I will explain, I promise but not right now, I told you before that I always thought of you as more than a friend but when you chose Jungkook I knew I had to pull back those feelings, did I use Jimin to forget you, maybe and I am not proud of that but I knew who the Jeon's were and I knew better than to touch what's his." "Dammit Yoongi, feelings or not I still wanted to be your friend and I thought we were but this, this makes it hard, I won't be able to stop him ya know", I say sadly. "I dont expect you too Jin, I will take my punishment whatever it may be", he kisses his finger and touches it to my lips, then gets up and leaves the room. 

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