Chapter 25 Triple Confessions RWBY part 11

Start from the beginning

Roman (Otherside of Headset):Good well Neo wishes to see you at Juniors she says she has something to tell you just ask Blondie how to get there she should know how

Y/N:Right tell neo I'll see her soon

Yang:was that roman?

Y/N:Yes he says neo is a place called Juniors and wants to tell me something he also said that you would know how to get there

Yang:I do come let's go

Y/N: We'll be back girls. In the meantime why don't you five get to know the new harem members while Yang and me are out and about

Sona:alright darling see you when you get back

Yang and I leave the dorm which Yang gets on her motorcycle as I run along side

Soon we reach the location which a bouncer stops Yang

Bouncer:You can't come in Blondie

Y/N:Sir she is my girlfriend and has been controlling her anger through the training we both are receiving. But in any case roman torchwick's partner neo is inside and asked to see me

The bouncer radios something which he then let's us in

Bouncer:She better behave or we will kick her out permanently

Y/N:I assure you sir she will not cause any trouble

Entering the building I see neo sitting at a table in the corner

Sitting at the table I begin to converse with Neo

Y/N:So what can I do for you Neo?

Neo:*You know how you told roman and me that there are potential girlfriends that could fall in love with you in our universe?*

Yang and I read what neo typed

Y/N:I did yes why is this a confession?

Neo nods her head at what I just said

I then tell neo what I said earlier to which she types her reason for falling for me

Y/N:Very well I accept your confession neo but do know this that training with my mentor's will be happening soon not now but soon and as my newest girlfriend along with two others you are required to join us for training

Neo:*will it be brutal?*

Neo asks

Yang:it will be brutal as you will learn stuff other than what you already know such as firearms and coding

Y/N:When Yang says coding she means like computer coding so that if the enemy has something behind a wall of code we will be able to get to it

Neo:*So I will meet you two where?*

Yang:you'll be meeting us at beacon as that is where Y/N and the other girls of his harem are staying at

Y/N:Which I'll talk to Ozpin to allow you access onto the academy grounds so that you can meet the other girlfriends and be able to join us for training

Neo nods before giving me a kiss which I return with passion

Separating from the kiss Yang and I return to beacon where yang goes to explain what happened to the others while I head for Ozpin's Office

Entering the office I see Master Ozma and Ozpin chatting

Ozpin:What brings you here again Mr L/N?

Y/N:I'm here Ozpin to ask for permission to allow neo Romans partner be allowed to step onto academy grounds

Ozma:She's your fifth girlfriend from this universe isn't she?

Y/N:Yes and as per every 6 days all my girlfriends and me will be required to train with you and the other mentor's master Ozma

Ozpin:Very well I'll see to it that she is allowed on academy grounds

Y/N:Thank you headmaster

I exit the office which I return to the dorm to see everyone chatting

Weiss:So training will be happening tomorrow?

Y/N:Yes also Blake velvet prepare to miss a day of school as we will be training the whole day with my mentor's


Velvet:I understand

We all chat for a little longer before Weiss Yang Blake and Velvet all head back to their dorms as it is now nighttime

Myself Sona Akeno Serafall Irina and Ravel all climb into our beds and fall asleep as we will need the energy for tomorrow's training


Cheaters/Abusers x Male Reader x Multiversal HaremWhere stories live. Discover now