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I am a firm believer in time. I believe time makes us and I believe time breaks us. Its the moments in your life, the snapshots or our day that make us who we are. They define our relationships, they define our successes, or failures, they define our life. So what is a person without their past? One moment can change everything. It was just one moment, in an instant in that one fraction of a second, everything changed.
It was a routine mission. Professor zoom was on a rampage and we were stopping him. Like I said, routine. How did it go so wrong? I was careless, I exposed my weakness, and his. One moment of weakness. I thought I was going to die, and I couldn't die without showing him how I felt. I thought I was going to die, I thought it was all over, I saw my life flash before my eyes. Then I did it, I kissed him. I kissed Wally. Then I died.
I woke later in a room I didn't recognize, I was confused until the moment it came back to me. Professor Zoom, Wally....dying. I remember feeling my heart stop beating, I remember Wally holding me in his arms, then...nothing.
"So little Robin's awake. " I looked over and saw professor Zoom standing there. I tried to move but my arms were bound.
"What am I doing here? Let me go!" I yelled.
"Now why would I do that little Robin, after all, you're my key to crippling the Justice League." He laughed.
"What are you talking about?"
"Your dead to them Robin, your death will rock them to their cores, especially the young Flash in training ." He looked smug.
"You can't keep me here! I'll get out!"
"Oh I'm not planning on keeping you here, in fact you are free to go." He told me.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well you can go, you just can't be yourself anymore, though you should know that I injected microscopic nano bites into all of your friends, and should you do something to displease me I can kill them instantly."
"What do you want from me?"
"Like I said, your going to cripple the Justice League."
"And how am I gonna do that?"
"Your going to work for me."
Well fuck.

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