I am Very Secure in my Sexuality

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"Dude, you're dating Barbra! She's friends with Artemis, good for you man." Wally said when I walked into the cave later.
"We're not dating, we're just friends."
"How! She's super hot!"
"I just don't like her that way, she's uh, not my type." I said.
Artemis who had been standing next to Wally for the whole conversation said,
"Are you gay!"
"No, I am very straight, not that there's anything wrong with being gay, I'm just not." I explained, I was straight, I liked boys.
"What Robin's gay," Wondergirl said as she walked up.
"I am not gay!" I exclaimed, "For your information I am very secure in my sexuality, I'm straight."
"So you don't like boys." This came from Miss M who had also decided to join the conversation.
"I. Am. Straight."
"So you like girls?" Miss M continued to question me, it was like she knew. I didn't want to flat out lie, I didn't like girls, if I did then I would be gay, again not that there is anything wrong with that, I'm just not gay.
"That's what straight means."
"Leave it alone guys." Wally told them.
"Thanks Wall-man."
"No problem, want to go on patrol?"
After leaving the peanut gallery behind we Zetaed to Gothem and went from roof top to roof top.
"Look," Wally said to me,
"It's just if your not dating why did you tell her?"
"She found out."
"But why is it okay for her to know and not me?" He pushed.
"It's a different relationship, she knows a different me."
"But wouldn't it be better for me to know, I'm a hero too, I get it, your my best friend and I don't even know your name, it just hurts, it's like you don't trust me."
I sighed, "it's not that I don't trust you, it's just I can't tell you, there are some things you just don't know."
"I'm your best friend, I would understand."
"That's just it Wally!" I burst out, "you wouldn't."
"Why? Why wouldn't I understand?"
"It's very complicated Wally, can you just leave it alone?"
"Whatever." He then sped off, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
I was loosing my best friend.
"She thought we were dating!" I told Barbra when I saw her the next day.
"Hah! That's awesome." She laughed.
"I think you should take it as a compliment that Artemis thought I was gay when I said I wasn't dating you." I told her.
"Artemis said that?" She said incredulously.
"I had to defend my sexuality because of you!" I exclaimed.
"Well I know for a fact your not gay, god you talk about Wally way to much for that!" She giggled.
"Oh shush!"I scolded her.
"Oh speaking of the devil he talked to me earlier when I was hanging out with Arty."
Flashback Barbra's POV:
"Barbra." He said tensely.
"Wallace." I returned.
"What do you know that I don't?" He asked.
"Look Wally I'm sorry, I'm sorry I know and you don't, but there is a reason, and you have to understand it's not about you, it's not that he doesn't trust you, he just can't tell you." I explained.
"Why did he tell you and not me?" He asked.
"It's different." I said.
"Of course it is." He returned.
End Flashback
"What did he say after that?" I asked.
"Nothing, he just walked away." She told me.
"Damn Wally."

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