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Barbra wanted to be a hero. Ever since we had sparred she had gotten the idea in her head that she could do it. She even made a costume. I walked into the batcave one day to see her standing there in what was basically a female version of Bruce's costume.
"Really?" I asked.
"I'm batgirl."
"Come on Babs."
"Hey if you can do it so can I!"
"But I've been training for years." I told her.
"You were nine when you started doing this, and I am good at martial arts, if you could teach me how to use some of your toys I could be good at this." She pleaded.
I sighed, "I'll talk to the B-man."
"Kid Flash B-03." It was like he had a radar for when Barbra was around. At least this time I was in costume.
"Hey Robin I was wondering if you wanted to go on patrol- uh whose that?" He asked when he noticed Barbra.
"I'm batgirl!" She announced.
He squinted at her for a moment,
"Incredible, he's known me for a week and he knew immediately, he's known you for years and he still hasn't put it together, why is that?" She fumed.
"Babs!" I burst out.
"What's she talking about?" Wally asked.
"Nothing, hey Babs wanna go on patrol? I'll teach you how to use the cool toys."
"Heck yes!"
She was actually surprisingly good at it. She was a quick learner which helped a lot. After we got back I talked to Bruce and he agreed to let her on the team.
So the next night I showed her the cave and introduced her to the team.
"So this is Miss Martian."
"But you can call me Megan." She said.
"And Superboy."
He grunted and went back to staring at static.
"Then there's Aqualad, Wondergirl, Beastboy, aquagirl, and you know Kid Flash and Artemis."
"It's nice to meet you all." She said.
"Welcome to the team." Said Kaldur.
I let miss M show her around and Artemis came up to me and said, "are you sure you guys aren't dating?"
"Yes, I am sure, we're just really good friends."
"Sure." And with that she walked away.
"Hey Babs I think we're a couple now." I said when she walked back into the room.
"Oh really, okay hunny buns."
"Yeah sugar pie." I laughed.
"Oh can it Ricks."
"Okay, hush hush on the name thing, sorry I forgot."
"Just be careful."
She saluted me, "will do, Robin." She said with extra emphasis.
"Wanna see my room?"
"of course!" She smiled and we walked down the hall.
"I don't stay here that often, but I have it for when I need to crash, until they get you a room, of you need to you can crash here as well." I offered.
Instead of answering she said,
"Your dude voice is weird, the whole thing is really disconcerting."
"I'll try and make it more concerting for you then."
"I heard that Robin, stop butchering the English language." Kid Flash said as he walked by my room.
"No can do KF." I laughed.
"He loves me." I said to Barbra.
"You know I do!" He yelled as he walked away.
"You my friend give a whole new meaning to being 'one of the guys.'"

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