You felt Nightmare worriedly shaking you awake, and you blearily looked up at him. "What's up?" 

Nightmare wore a look of concern. You began to worry. "What's wrong?" You asked again, a note of panic in your voice. 

"Look." Nightmare said anxiously, and you looked out the window to see you were now inside of the castle grounds. It took you a moment before you saw hundreds of pitch black Nightmare Papyruses guarding the gates all around.

Vince and Vivian then ran up to you, crying, "Mom! Dad! Shady and Shadow are being scary!!" 

You looked up sharply to see your escorting Nightmare Papyruses had lost their color and were now stone faced. You felt Nightmare's hand on your shoulder, and Nightmare pointed to the castle entrance. You looked to the gates to see... Nightmare? A monster that looked like Nightmare when you had first met him stood expectantly at the doors. 

"What's going on?" You asked Nightmare worriedly, and he shook his head.

"I don't know. But I do know one thing." You looked at him desperately, and he continued solemnly, "Whoever that is, they don't mean well. I'll talk to him. You need to take the kids where it's safe." 

"But, what about you?" You asked anxiously. It was becoming harder to breathe. 

Nightmare gave you a reassuring look before kissing you and your kids on the head. "I'll be fine." You nodded solemnly and took Vince and Vivian's hands in yours as the carriage came to a halt.

Nightmare stepped out of the carriage, and you looked down to your kids. "I need you two to listen closely." Vince and Vivian looked up at you. 

Vince asked nervously, "Where's daddy going?" 

You took a deep breath, then continued, "He's going to talk to someone. Now, don't talk to the Nightmare Papyruses, they aren't who you think they are." 

Vivian spoke, worry laced with her voice, "What's happening, Mom?"

You squeezed Vivian's hand and gave her a sweet smile. "You don't need to worry. Mommy and Daddy have everything under control. Now, I need you two to follow me. We're going to play the quiet game." Vince groaned, and you added, "Whoever wins gets extra dessert, ok?" 

Vince and Vivian nodded excitedly, then you led them out of the carriage. You began to lead your kids to enter through a hidden entrance. You were unsettled as all the Nightmare Papyruses watched as you crept to the castle.

You felt Vince tug on your hand, and you looked down to see Vince's nervous expression. You weren't the only one who was scared. You looked to Nightmare and made eye contact with the being he was talking to. The monster stared deep into your eyes with a ferocious hunger. You felt chills crawl down your spine, and you hurried to the entrance. That monster reminded you of someone... And not of your husband.

Blood and Betrayal (Yandere Shattered Dream x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now